less prestigious bsmd

What are some of the lower-tier but still somewhat bs/mds that are out there?
I was trying to find bsmds that are more of matches to my stats/extracirriculars :)>-

thank you and btw good luck to everyone else doing their college apps rn :smiley:

university of nevada las vegas/reno is a “lower-tier” program! the professors are great, and NV is filled with opportunities in the medical field!

The lower-tier BS/MD programs tend to be the programs that have lower-tier medical schools, as seen in the medical school rankings by the US World News and Report. It doesn’t mean, necessarily that they’re easier to get into. For example, for an out-of-state student, it is pretty much impossible to get into NEOMED’s BS/MD program, even though the medical school is a lower-tier medical school.