<p>haha thank you dirty mcgirty i totally agree
i'm a catholic (by force) (but really agnostic)
i think honestly whatever happens happens
i dont think it's decided by some higher being lol
it's decided by the admissions board.</p>
<p>Primary causal agents, secondary causal agents.</p>
<p>People force you to be of a religious affiliation, scarlet? Ouch. Sorry about that. But, I can't totally agree with Dirty. Who says that College Confidential is "secular"? It is simply a forums where students find support in each other and if that is by religious means, then so be it. And, we are all ecstatic that you got in, Dirty McGirty, but that doesn't mean that we can't attribute our success, whether we get in or not, to a Higher Being. Oh, and for all those people who didn't know this, (no offense, scarlet, cause you're like one of my favorite CCers) but the word "agnostic" is actually originates from the Greek word, agn?stos meaning "ignorant." So, I like to think of it as more "I am not sure what I believe, but I hope to find out later in life" kind of thing.</p>
<p>lol no worries main, i didn't mean to sound oppressed or anything
it's just that my parents really want me to be catholic so i don't "shame" the family etc. i'm just not the religious type that's all
and i always looked at agnostic as meaning: i believe in god, but not in any particular religion (catholicism, judaism, etc.)</p>
<p>I am not even remotely religious but when I hear you talk about God deciding which college you'll get into, it occurs to me that if there is a God, s/he is apparently way too bogged down deciding on college acceptances, choosing the winners of sporting events, and picking Grammy winners ("I want to thank God...") to work on issues of actual importance like war, genocide and a cure for cancer. If I were a religious person, I would be embarrassed to pray for a large envelope from USC. It just seems bizarre in the scheme of things.</p>
<p>Well, it appears as if the God you envision is not the omnipotent, omniscient Being which stressed0ut and I know of. He can multi-task, believe me. And, no, in the grand scheme of things, perhaps our college acceptance is not quite number 1 on the list, but my Creator makes it a priority nonetheless and never do I feel the slightest bit ashamed to make even the most trivial requests, not even if I can just get an A on my next major exam.</p>
<p>Wow, getting a little desperate here, aren't we?</p>
<p>We're all desperate diehldun. Some of us have already gotten in and I am sure that you are content with that, but others are desperate for other reasons.</p>
If I were a religious person, I would be embarrassed to pray for a large envelope from USC. It just seems bizarre in the scheme of things.
<p>No.. as I've previously addressed, God is not a Santa Claus list.</p>
<p>I'm actually praying for God to guide me and bless me with the best path he sees fit for me. God loves it when we honor him and give credit to his blessings.</p>
<p>Kudos, stressed0ut.</p>
<p>Well I hope it all works out for you.</p>
<p>Ha.. That sounds like a response my professor would make. He only has one philosophy when it comes to arguing and that is you will never win in a religious or political debate. It only comes down to one essential element: faith. Faith in a Higher Being or faith in this political party or that one. It's all the same. But, nice compromising answer. I like it.</p>
<p>Also, puzzled, God does not pick favorites nor rank which prayer requests to answer first. You shouldn't feel ashamed to ask God to answer any of your prayers.. as small as they may seem.</p>
<p>A little girl asking for a pony for Christmas will get the same blessing as an elderly man battling cancer.</p>
<p>kudos to you too, mainevent, for having the guts to make a religious thread on CC.</p>
<p>People on CC do have more in common than just a dream college.</p>
<p>Well, you never know, it may brighten somebody's day, like my own. There have been quite a few views, which I am proud of, actually. Maybe somebody will even come to know Jesus through this thread, but we all will make sure that the bottom line is providing a support group for all those stressing out over USC!</p>
<p>How very odd that you are stressed out when your admission is entirely in the hands of god and whatever happens is his will. I admit it, I just don't get it.</p>
<p>I wish it was that simple, Puzzled. </p>
<p>I'm stressedout about my relationship with God.. there's many things I need to reconcile and come clean before anything else..</p>
<p>Also, just because God will decide my future for me doesn't mean I don't have to work hard to prove to him that I'm WORTHY of his help. I can't just not take the SAT's and hope for God to get me into USC... it doesn't work that way.</p>
<p>Well, we can be stressed out. I mean, we're human beings. That's what we do, we try and trust as much as possible but we occasionally worry that God will not worry enough about it, so then that stresses us out; it's a vicious cycle. But, the point is, we are TRYING to leave things up to God as best we know how, which is the whole reason why I started this thread.</p>
<p>Okay, I hope it works out for you too then. And I hope your god gets to work on all those other pressing issues AND lets you in to USC.</p>
<p>Such sarcasm! lol. Oh, well, we tried. That's the best we can do in life, is try.</p>