"Let's Go.........

<p>OK, I know this is supposed to be a site for the discussion of college related topics, mostly of the academic nature. But, since it is Friday and since it is the start of college fball season and mainly since VT has a huge game on Monday vs. Boise State, I thought we could maybe have some fun and send the team a little cyber kharma if you will......(Anyone not familiar with this Lane Stadium tradition- just listen!)</p>

<p>"Let's Go!"</p>


<p>A very ‘Tech’ experience: riding a BT bus towards the last runs of the night when someone gets the bright idea to start yelling this. It’s like catnip for drunk people :)</p>


<p>Haha or walking down Dietrick on a Friday late night and screaming out loud to a hundred “crazy” students - what a beautiful sound.</p>

<p>Or trying to go to sleep at night in a dorm near Dietrick with your windows open only to stay up due to hundreds of students continuously shouting chants. :D</p>

<p>“It’s like catnip for drunk people”</p>

<p>LMAO! yes it is. Nothing like it. God thats an experience and a half.</p>