Lets just all get into college ALREADY!

Who's with me??!!!!</p>

<p>I can't wait to get over with all this and just (<em>#</em>&%*&# get in.</p>

<h1>$%873587 HELL!!!</h1>

That felt better.. getting it out of my system.</p>

<p>Funny thread.</p>

<p>i feel you.. especially considering that all my friends who are going to study in my country don't have to fill out any application forms or take any standardized tests :s</p>

<p>as long as i get in somewhere, it was worth it.. if not.... ouch!</p>

<p>totally agree...i'm sick of !@#$%^& waiting...</p>

<p>ya me too................this is making me f<strong><em>ing crazy all these applications and *</em></strong>s</p>

<p>Haha, you wish :D</p>

<p>i am so tired of juggling sat , apps and school!!!!!!!#$#$#$
i just soo want it to get over..............................
and none of the things i am juggling are going well...well thats life :(</p>

<p>I feel so unmotivated too.
<em>hides in a hole and refuses to come out</em></p>

<p>One more app to go.......
CANT WAIT!!!!!!!!</p>

<p>This is a really slow website.