<p>Do colleges look at and take into consideration the actual numerical grade rather than the letter grade when looking at transcripts? For example, if a student had several 89s and only a few low Bs compared to several low Bs, would it make a difference?</p>
<p>Colleges have access to all the numbers on your transcript. The way they are viewed and interpreted varies from school to school. As examples, some recalculate your GPA on their own scale, and some look at your individual grades in the context of your school. Others interpret your grades and the rigor of your courses and then assign you a rank for your academic ability on their own scale (1-5 for example). Many will take notice if a lot of your grades are low Bs as opposed to high Bs.</p>
<p>Do you know whether the numerical grade will be on your transcript at all? My school only records letters.</p>
<p>Second what halcyonheather says. My kids’ school system, for example, puts only letters on the transcript: no pluses or minuses, let alone numbers. And it also lists only a final course grade–no semester grades, no mid-term or final exam grades.</p>
<p>But not all schools’ transcripts are alike. I have taught in schools where the official transcript did include pluses/minuses, semester grades and exam grades.</p>
<p>So while I agree that colleges have access to all the numbers on your transcript, I have to note that just about the only number on my kids’ high school transcript was the ZIP code.</p>
<p>Thank you for the info! I believe my school puts the numerical grade</p>
<p>Magicman, it shouldn’t be a secret. You should be able to ask your guidance counselor what your school’s transcripts look like, and what’s on them.</p>
<p>Matter of fact, I got a copy of one from them today! Thank you Sikorsky!</p>