Letter of recommendation via mail?

On UM's website it says that we can submit letters through their mail, and that would be perfect for me because I actually have my letter in printed for (stamped and everything by my teacher) but I'm applying through the common app and it says that we MUST invite teachers to send the letter through their system. </p>

<p>Any ideas? </p>

<p>Thank you!</p>

<p>Item 6 here says you can either submit thru the common app or mail:
[Freshman</a> Application Instructions | Undergraduate Admission | University of Miami](<a href=“http://www.miami.edu/admission/index.php/undergraduate_admission/apply/freshman/freshman_application_instructions]Freshman”>Undergraduate Admission | University of Miami)</p>

<p>But, I wouldn’t rely on us here at CC to answer this. Call UM admissions directly to ask what you should do: 305-284-4323</p>

<p>Okay, thank you!</p>