Letters Of Reccomendation?

<p>I emailed admissions about what to do for letters of recommendation since the site said the wanted one from someone that could attest to my academic ability, and I am home-schooled, so my mom is the only teacher I've ever had. I asked if letters from parents would be okay, not expecting a yes, but they emailed me back and said that a letter from a home-schooler's parent would be acceptable. This kind of shocked me, and I'm wondering if I should do this or not? I could get other adults but they wouldn't know about my academics. Do you think I should have my parents send in one along with two others, or would that be too much? Their website says two is sufficient. Does that mean they don't want any more than that? I don't want to hurt my chances.</p>

<p>Did you have any other families that you were involved with? Maybe another parent could send a letter? Did you do any volunteer work in your community? Did you have a job? Are you involved with any organization that might have a leader that could write you a letter? If no to the above, maybe family friends? A little creativity and you will be great! Good luck!</p>

<p>I would not send more than 2. In my opinion, Letters of Rec are only important in the event of other data raising questions. After all, since the letters are solicited by the applicant, how many “bad” letters of recommendation do you think they see. Everyone has an anecdotal story, but really…if you aren’t absolutely certain that it would be a good letter, why would someone ask for it? I’m not an expert, and in the case of homeschooling where there is no GPA, maybe the letters are more important…but it’s hard to imagine your parent/teacher would write a bad letter.</p>