Letters of Recommendation

<p>So I just sent in my application and I'm a little confused as to how to send my letters of rec.
If I do it online, do I give my reference the link and then they fill it out that way? Or how do they fill it out? Also, if the letter of recommendation doesn't end up getting to Wisco for another couple weeks, and I just sent in my app today, is it too late for it to be acknowledged?</p>

<p>I sent my letters of recommendation in by mail a week after I sent in my application, I just added a little note to add this to (your name here)'s application. Just do it as soon as you can.</p>

<p>Ok… thank you! And did you wait to send it until you received your campus ID? or did you not need to include it in the recommendation?</p>

<p>I didn’t include an ID, I just gave them my full name and asked them to attach it to my application! Good luck!</p>