Letters of recommendation

<p>does university of Miami look at teacher recommendations ? like if you submit one will it make any difference in your application or is UM one of those schools that really don't care about the recommendations ???</p>

<p>Yes, UM requires teacher recommendations (at least 1). See the requirements below. In my opinion recommendations are important and round out your application by giving some perspective of who you are beyond transcript and scores. Just make sure you ask teachers that will write a strong one for you. When it gets down to selecting between 2 students with the same scores/gpa etc. they look at reco’s and essay.</p>

<p>[Freshman</a> Application Instructions | Undergraduate Admission | University of Miami](<a href=“http://www.miami.edu/admission/index.php/undergraduate_admission/apply/freshman/freshman_application_instructions/]Freshman”>Undergraduate Admission | University of Miami)</p>