<p>So, I see on here in various threads at various times, references to sending a couple of letters of reference to USNA CGO. Is this recommended? I figured they would just not want extraneous stuff. I sit on a national scholarship committee for my profession and we only accept the items we asked for, nothing "extra." Many times applicants will send say 5 letters of rec instead of the 3 we request. We typically shuffle them and choose three and "round file" the extra two. </p>
<p>Should Son consider getting a letter or two and sending it in? He is Triple Q'd. It would be easy to do as we had to round up a battery of them for Rep and Senators. </p>
<p>Any advice?</p>
<p>If he’s already triple Q’ed, no need to send in extra letters. They’ve already decided he is qualified. Only send in additional objective information (new SATs, school award, Eagle Scout, team captain, etc.).</p>
<p>That said, CGO does accept add’l letters of recommendation. However, extra letters should ONLY be sent if they convey information that is not otherwise in the packet AND if the person submitting the letter knows the candidate very well. Sending a letter from some admiral or major political figure who doesn’t really know the candidate does no good. </p>
<p>All in all, the extra letters won’t make up for an otherwise weak application. They are unlikely to change CGO’s mind. They might provide helpful information that CGO would not otherwise have and thus create a small “bump.” </p>
<p>Again, please don’t inundate CGO with extra letters. The overwhelming majority of successful candidates submit what is asked for and no more. If you believe there is a critical part of your life that is not reflected in your packet and someone who knows you well can provide information on that topic, maybe. But otherwise, don’t do it.</p>
<p>USNA1985: Thanks for the information. We will not send in anythng else. Son’s app was complete in Sept and we really don’t expect any updates. He is currently serving in the leadership positions to which he was elected and reported in app. SAT’s etc all done. </p>
<p>He is doing CFA again however. He took it at NASS. ANd has been running, doing “P90X” and working out like a fiend and felt that submitting a better CFA would show he is working hard to get in! I agreed…</p>
<p>USNA’85 Quote "Sending a letter from some admiral or major political figure who doesn’t really know the candidate does no good. "</p>
<p>The S sent a letter from a two star (Alum) and they (SA) wrote back that they would need his contact info. We sent it and the 2 star showed us the nice letter they sent him back. Don’t know if it helped yet but we’ll soon find out…</p>