Lewis and Clark: What are the residence halls like?

<p>I have seen the inside of Akins, and have viewed the rest of the rooms online, but I would like to know what they are actually like.
I have heard that the Platt rooms are really small, but other than that, I don't know anything about the rooms.</p>

<p>Which halls are loud? Which are quiet?</p>

<p>Which are in the best location?</p>

<p>Which look the best? Are the cleanest/in good repair?</p>

<p>Which would you recommend for an International Affairs major?</p>


<p>This was some info I got from DD2 on the dorms to answer a previous L&C question:</p>

<p>"To paraphrase something an RA friend of mine told me a few weeks ago. when RAs try to label different dorms sets as Harry Potter houses. Generally SOA gets Hufflepuff, Forest gets Slytherin, Platt-Howard-Hartzfeld gets Ravenclaw (which is debated), except that leaves Copeland as Gryffindor and no one likes that idea. </p>

<p>Anyway, for someone who’s shy, they probably do not want Copeland, that dorm tends to get athletic and/or noisy types. Different Forest buildings have different character, so that’s a bit of a wild card. SOA is pretty nice; Akin’s international, Stewart’s the wellness hall, and Odell is a stereotypical college dorm. Platt might be a good choice if she has an art interest; they’re nice over there, and a lot of them are outgoing since they are art students. I haven’t really spent any time in Howard or Hartzfeld, because no one I know lives there…"</p>

<p>Sounds like Akin would be good for an IntAf major.</p>

<p>They are filthy and smell like pot.</p>

<p>^ Not when I’ve been there. </p>

<p>Just wanted to add they are building a new dorm, Holmes Hall, which will probably be defacto upper class housing since they get first dibs. We got a flyer in the mail with a floor plan. It looks neat - high ceilings, double and single rooms, including one suite.</p>

<p>I don’t remember the name of the dorm I was in, but it was weird. Not trying to harp on LC though. And I visited the new dorms while under construction and they look like they are going to be fantastic!</p>