Lewis & Clark EA Class of 2025

Congrats to everyone!! So exciting!

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Woohoo! Accepted with the Trustee Scholarship ($34,500/yr). So happy!


Yea! Well that should offset the earlier decision @Techno13 !! My D’s other decision today was a deferral at a stretch school, so this made her very happy! We’re OOS, but have spent a lot of time in Oregon. I would be thrilled for her to go to school at L&C!


Congrats to your daughter! We are also OOS but own a home in Portland and plan to retire there in about 2-3 years. (Living near us is not a plus in my D’s mind.) We know lots of L&C grads who had great experiences there.


Too funny! We’ve been discussing moving to OR for a while now. We’re in Northern CA, so we would still be relatively close even if we didn’t move. :blush:


Accepted with Presidential scholarship(30k)! Hope I can visit soon


Daughter admitted with a Dean’s scholarship ($30.5k per year). They sure have a lot of different scholarships.

We live 30 min away across the river in Camas WA. This was the closest school she applied to and have been by and around campus various times if anyone has any questions about the school or city.

Daughter isn’t sure she wants to go to a school that is a city bus ride away. But with Covid maybe things have changed. It is definitely one of her top choices.


I got accepted on Wednesday with a Trustee Scholarship (34,500/yr) too! Congrats to everyone else


Congrats to all

-OOS Student
-3.76 UW / 4.4 W
-Rigorous all honors/AP program, senior year was optional
-ACT: 33
-Strong, long term, ECs with a true passion
-English Major
-Presidential Scholarship of $30k

Unfortunately even with the 30k a year, L&C’s price would be higher than the nine other acceptances my daughter has at this point, so I think it’ll be crossed off her list. It’s that chasing merit game, just have to see how the dice roll at each school.


That personal video was a nice touch today! :grinning:

We live in CA (Los Angeles) and my son got in with $29,500/year in merit. He also got into University of Puget Sound, Willamette, Pacific, and Western Washington. Applied RD to Whitman and we also hope to visit in the spring since our spring break trip back in March was cancelled due to Covid. I’m assuming it will come down to UPS, Lewis & Clark, Willamette, and Whitman. My son is interested most in continuing his Japanese and studying abroad in Japan.

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Hi everyone,
The Financial Aid report posted on my son’s portal yesterday. We’re glad they kicked in with an additional institutional grant. Hope you all got some good news, too!

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@PikachuRocks15 L&C is on top of our list along with Reed College with areas of interest as Biology for pre-med track

  • how is the gpa/curving at L&C?
  • How are the research opportunities at L&C compared to Reed?
  • How are the clinical opportunities at L&C? Does L&C help with clinical volunteer/work at local hospitals?
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I don’t go to Lewis and Clark, sorry!

I don’t know about grading at L&C but if that is a concern you should know that Reed is famously one of the most difficult schools in the country when it comes to grading. They essentially have grade deflation not inflation and they have a special insert they put into transcripts when they mail them (which doesn’t work so much these days as transcripts are mostly electronic not mailed). But this is what Reed says about grades:


Thanks Camasite for the information!

Just left the campus tour. DS looooooves this school. Had a chance to talk to the chair of the Computer Science program prior to the tour and they totally clicked. Lots of students out enjoying the sunshine. Great vibe. Lots of creative, arty students. And the campus is even more magical and majestic in person. Wow. Just wow.


I called today to see if we could schedule a tour. Would love any insight. We are from So Cal and my son has to decide between the UC route or smaller liberal arts school. What did your son like? Thanks for any input!

Congrats on your son having such terrific options! In answer to your question, I think it really boils down to size. My kiddo does best in a small school environment where the professors really know their students and can support them with any academic challenges they might encounter. Since your son got into a UC, he’s clearly a strong student and may not be looking for the student-professor connection.

Also, the vibe of a campus is critical. Your DS is the best judge of this. The only UC with a somewhat similar vibe to L&C is UCSC.

Hope this helps and looking forward to hearing how your tour goes! By the way, lots of California plates in the admissions parking lot the day of our tour. :grinning:

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How is your son’s decision coming along? Our daughter is an environmental science/ecology major and is deciding between L&C, UCSC and UC Berkeley. All so different with many pros and cons. We just did a whirlwind tour of all. Merit aid from L&C makes it comparable to our instate tuition at UCs.