Anyone get their EA decisions yet?

<p>Just wondering since I know a lot of my friends applied to Lewis and Clark EA. So has anyone received a decision? :)</p>

<p>My D received her decision on the 15th. Accepted, with a small merit scholarship.</p>

<p>i received my letter of acceptance on the 15th as well, and i received a $10,000/year Dean's Scholar Scholarship, which is quite appealing.</p>

<p>My D applied RD. Can anyone who recieved scholarships post their stats so she can try to predict. She recieved 9,000 from Willamette but I am not sure if they are similar or not. Thanks Congradulations to all those with acceptances!!! We are visiting this weekend</p>

<p>I'm an arizona mom too! My D has a 3.87 GPA, not quite top 10% of her large class, SAT 1310. She received the lower end of the Dean's scholarship-$4000.00. I would like to hear a report of your visit to L&C if you don't mind. We may visit in Feb. when D can audition for the music dept. in hopes of landing a little more money.<br>
Good luck to you and your D.</p>

<p>-Sat = 1430
-Sat IIs=710,720,730
-4 APs already taken.
-Taking 4 more this year.
-weighted GPA: 4.6 non weighted:3.8
-varsity boys basketball captain (not recruited)
-president of delegation's youth and governemtn
-candidate for statewide lieutenant governor
-started a t-shirt for cancer club
-active in french national honors society-
-AP Scholar With Honor
-etc. etc.</p>

<p>Rbinaz, If you look in the parents board, I just posted a review of our visit this past weekend to Lewis & Clark - look for "Oregon Colleges Trip Report." Actually, I will post the L&C part here as well. My daughter loved Lewis & Clark but it is definitely a quirky place that may not be for everyone.</p>

<p>My D applied RD to both Lewis & Clark and Univ. of Puget Sound. She hasn't heard yet from L&C but has been accepted at UPS with an $8000 scholarship. Is anybody else considering UPS and if so, how do you think L&C and UPS compare. One concern my D has with L&C is its size. UPS has about 1000 more undergraduates, but she also loved L&C and is interested in International Relations.</p>

<p>We just visited both. Both very pretty colleges, and great academics. The student body seemed different in both schools but other then that and finding your fit you couldn't go wrong with either. My D got the same scholarship from Puget Sound as yours. It was nice they informed students early. E-mail me if you have any questions. Lewis and Clark is noted more for its diversity and study abroad</p>