Lewis & Clark Early Action 2015

@ramarie Sure!
GPA UW: 3.75
GPA W: 4.2
SAT: M: 550, CR: 690, W: 630
AP Environmental Science: 5
AP US Gov: 4
(roughly 2/3 of my classes are taken at the community college and my GPA there is 3.8)
2000+ community service hours
Internship at United Nations Association
Internship at Glass Art Studio
5 or so leadership positions
Ethics Team at community college
Small business in glass art
Strong essays and recommendations

I also visited campus twice, did an interview, and my mom is an Alum

@helenanca thank you!(:

Is there any way to ask for more merit aid? I got 16k but I am not getting a penny in need based. I want to go to a private school but my parents won’t look in that direction with it being more expensive than a UC.