Lewis & Clark Early Action 2015

Has anyone heard anything back yet?
They typically send back results around now (http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/lewis-clark-college/1719622-lewis-and-clark-early-action-p1.html)

I applied EA and I haven’t heard back from L&C yet either.

I haven’t received anything yet. Last year it was after 5:15pm.

Check your emails! Results were sent out at 5pm.

I just got an email letting me know that I was accepted! Now I’m just waiting to find out what my financial aid package looks like.

I just got accepted as well!!!

Accepted…tears of JOY!!! LOVE Lewis + Clark

anyone know when merit/need-based aid comes out?

Accepted!!! :slight_smile:

Yeah I got in too.

Accepted! :slight_smile:

Anyone apply for Linguistics?

Has anyone gotten merit awards?

I just received my admissions packet in the mail with a $17,000 a year Dean’s Scholarship! Does anyone know if this scholarship includes what they call Leadership and Service awards as well?

That’s fantastic! I think they state that separately in the letter. What is the largest scholarship they give out right now? I’m pretty sure they make calls about the Neely scholarship in March (from what I’ve read in previous threads).

So that is a separate award. If you go that it would be outline as such in your merit aid package.

@anpr12 I received 20k a year in merit aid! =) I submitted my CSS PROFILE so I was hoping for a need-based financial aid estimate but I only received information about merit aid. I believe they need to evaluate my FAFSA first.

I received an email about my acceptance at L&C, but didn’t hear anything about merit aid. I got the folder in the mail as well and it didn’t mention it. Does that mean I didn’t receive any scholarships?
@AnneKatherine @kbrbra1 did you receive your awards with your acceptance or separately?

@ramarie I received mine in the same packet at my letter. I don’t think that you received any merit aid. I’m sorry!

@helenanca that is so disappointing! thank you for your response though(: can I ask what your stats were?