Lewis & Clark Early Action

@ohchad I was accepted with a 36 ACT and 4.0 UW (my school doesn’t publish weighted – I think it’s about a 4.3, though).

@lavenderquartz I got a note about my personal statement, too! Admissions letters tend to be so similar to one another that I really appreciated the touch.

Yay admitted!!! I have a lower gpa and okay sat score but a good upward trend. Does anyone know when/where we can see scholarships and stuff of the sort? Can’t go here w/o that haha

Son was accepted!

34 ACT
1500 SAT (new SAT)
4.0 UW GPA
Will have 12 APs
National Merit Semifinalist
President of FBLA, two volunteer positions, part-time job, member of Math Club, Model UN, National Honor Society

We did a campus visit in April so there was expressed interest as well.

@sprights Financial aid information should be coming in the mail with the official acceptance letter.

She said that she liked reading my essay about the patriarchy

I don’t think money awards are out yet

Daughter was accepted! Our house is buzzing with joy!! Thankyou for the replies.

I was accepted with a 34 ACT and a 4.0 UW/4.57 W GPA. I had a comment at the end of the letter in response to one of my essays, saying the school would be a great place for the endeavors I discussed.

We had a comment at the end of the email as well, about his reaction to his campus visit.


I also got a personal note from my interviewer. :slight_smile:

I was accepted with a 3.967 gpa (unweighted) and a 31 act. I’m also involved in a lot of extracurriculars and have a lot of leadership positions.
I also got a personal note about my common app essay which I thought was a very nice touch!! I’m excited for the official letter!

Did anyone receive Merit Scholarship information in their acceptance over the portal?

Son got accepted EA yesterday evening - no email, just portal update.

@tguterman it looks like merit info comes in the official letter

I have a 3.87 GPA Unweighted (my school doesn’t weight).
Many good extracurriculars and lots of leadership positions and created first disability club.
Took up to 3 AP’s.
Super score SAT 1990 out of 2400.
Visited the school
From out of state!

Excited to receive the official letter. :slight_smile:

Where did people find the merit scholarship info? Was it in the same email?

If you read people’s posts - the merit information hasn’t come yet.

Does anyone know when exactly merit info comes out?

I don’t know exactly, but from what I’ve seen with prior students at other colleges there will be a packet arriving in the mail in the next couple days that should contain a formal acceptance and a merit aid offer.

Merit Scholarships posted, got $18,000 a year.