Leysin American School or United World College?

<p>Hey guys,</p>

<p>I'm currently looking at schools for me to pursue my IB Diploma. I'm now in Grade 10, and I'm doing the IB Middle Years program. I love both schools and I can't decide! Here's what I'm looking for in a school:</p>

<p>IB Psychology HL is a must have
Small class sizes
International student body
High average IB points
Great school facilities
Certified teachers</p>

<p>Help me out, please. :)</p>

<p>Very different schools and admissions procedures! Are you from the US or another country? To be admitted to a UWC you must go through your country’s national committee. UWC admissions are extremely competitive but if you are accepted by the US national committee you will receive a full scholarship to one of the UWC schools. You get to note your preferences but you do not get to choose which school. Not every school offers IB psychology but high level universities prefer grounding in history so that may be a better IB subject choice anyway. I’ve had two kids at UWCs. One graduated from USA and one is at Atlantic. At both schools the extracurricular experiences and atmosphere are more formative than the courses.</p>

<p>I’m from Indonesia :)</p>

<p>I don’t know if the Indonesian committee offers scholarships but perhaps you don’t need one. Which UWCs do they send students to? My D took HL psychology at her US high school before she went to UWC USA. She liked it but didn’t love it. The required independent research was pretty demanding but she was only 15 at the time so it was a little difficult. Both my kids would say that they appreciated their teachers at their UWCs but loved being around the idealistic international student body and getting involved in activism. You really have to appreciate UWC’s mission of world peace and a sustainable future for UWC to be the right place for you. It isn’t designed to be an Ivy League feeder school. Some students end up there but that is not the purpose of the school or the desire of all students.</p>