United World College help

<p>Hey! I've heard of the united world colleges a few years ago, and they look amazing! I live in Italy and I'm in eighth grade and I go to an international school, my average of the grades is a 90%, I do piano and singing lessons, ballet, I'm in the student council and I will start doing some volounteer work. What do you think my chances are of getting into.p a uwc, my fav ones are atlantic, robert bosch, adriatic, maastricht, and red cross. Do you thinks that even if I go to a private school they would give me a scholarship? What are some other boarding schools in europe? My mom isn't so convinced about boarding school what are the positve things I can tell her about it? Is uwc worth it? Btw if anybody has any questions about the adriatic I could answer since I live 15 minutes away from it.</p>

<p>Can simeone pleeeaaase answer it would really help me! :)</p>

<p>I live in Hong Kong and thus know quite a lot of people at the LPC (Li Po Chun) UWC in Hong Kong. I’ve also applied for the UWC, and was rejected at the interview stage at LPC (not sure if that impacts the quality of my answer, haha). My impression of the UWCs are that they are really geared towards extroverted, passionate and community-oriented global leaders and thinkers, who want to be around other people like them. Notice that I didn’t say anything about academics, or any of the standard ways we judge students nowadays. Living in HK most schools tend to value academics a LOT, and comparatively my friends in LPC seem to be working on their extra-curriculars a lot more (and if I wanted to be pessimistic drinking quite a lot more haha). Of course not everyone at the UWCs is the most amazing person in the world, but there are quite a lot of brilliant people there.</p>

<p>When I was considering LPC as a choice, here were some of the pros and cons I had in mind:</p>

<p>Pros - Great atmosphere, great people. Very good uni track record (my LPC friend just got into Oxford Law!! :slight_smile: ), UWC tends to collect the most passionate individuals which is very inspirational, often a lot of opportunities and doors are opened, very warm and loving community (in general), generally very open minded place to try new things.</p>

<p>Cons - Not the best academic track record (a focus more on ECAs compared to my current school, I feel), will cope with the trauma of transferring schools during the last few years of high school (which is traumatic especially if you already have established extra curriculars and friends), may feel isolating, is easy to crash (become completely unmotivated at school life and focus on hedonism or momentary pleasures, etc.) because no one will whip your ass if you fail, might not have as much personal space.</p>

<p>Ultimately my conclusion was that if you are interested in meeting people of all ethnicities, open minded about many ideas and willing to discuss and engage with these ideas, generally comfortable with socialization and sharing space, and very self-motivated then you will have an amazing time at UWCs, and you will make friends that will last you through the end of time. Very few people go to UWCs and come back regretting the decision, I feel. Good luck! If you want more help of course feel free to PM me or reply here, I might not be an insider but I have tons of stories from insider friends haha :)</p>

<p>Thanks for the response! My top colleges are in europe, do yiu think this will look bad, it’s mainly because I don’t want to go TOO far from family. My mom is convinced that people can use drugs, drink alcohol or smoke because there’s no supervision is it true? How was the interview process?</p>