<p>Age: 24
Location: Southern California
Current Occupation: USAF: Active Duty
Previous Occupation: Technology Sales Associate (5 years experience)</p>
<p>General Desired Career Field: Design, Development, Marketing
Specific Desired Job: Product Development Manager
Specific Job Type: Technology
Example: J Allard (Entertainment and Devices, Microsoft Corporation)</p>
<p>I am currently in the USAF active duty, I have just completed 36 months and am now eligible to go guard and use my post 9/11 GI Bill. I plan on staying in the Air National Guard while going to school full-time.</p>
<p>GI BIll Benefits:</p>
<p>335.75 per credit hour
2165.25 fees per term
1000.00 books and supplies per year.</p>
<p>2052.00 per month living allowance.</p>
<p>335.75 per credit hour
2165.25 fees per term
1000.00 books and supplies per year</p>
<p>1914.00 per month living allowance.</p>
<p>I want to transfer to the guard and start going to school full time asap. My transcripts are being mailed to me now so I can not post my GPA etc. I dont even remember taking SAT, SAT subject, or ACT tests in high school so I might need to do that. I do remember that I did well in school though mostly A's and B's.</p>
<p>I want to undergrad at UCLA/UCB then grad at either caltech or MIT. I dont know if a BA or BS in computer science would be better for my situation. This is what I came up with from my own research, their may be a better reccomendation out their though.</p>
<p>My end goal is setting myself up for the best chance possbile in getting a job with microsoft's entertainment and devices devision as a product development manager.</p>
<p>As of now, I have come up with 2 options of how I could go about this:</p>
<p>If I want to apply and attend UCLA/UCB from the beginning, I will most likely need to take SAT, SAT sub, and ACT tests before applying. This along with applying deadlines will most likely keep me in active duty for another year until I can apply for fall 2011.</p>
<p>or </p>
<p>I could go to a community college until I obtain the required credits to be eligible for transfer to UCLA/UCB. This will allow me to transfer to the guard and start school alot sooner. Going to a community college, I would have to find a highly recommended CC to easily transfer to UCLA/UCB, figure out what classes I will take at the community college and what classes I will save for the university, how fast i can obtain enough credits to transfer and how big of an difference it would make to caltech/MIT as to a student that went to all UCLA/UCB versus a community college student that transferred to UCLA/UCB.</p>
<p>I really would like to start school asap but if waiting to apply for UCLA/UCB fall 2011 is going to make a big difference, I will wait. </p>
<p>I am looking for some detailed opinions on:
-which route I should go
-Is their a better degree path or certain electives involving marketing, business, graphics, animation, 3d design I should take along with a computer science degree.
-If I go to community college first, what class should I take at the community college and which should i save for the university.
-any other things I should be aware of and take into consideration.</p>
<p>Any and all comments are welcome and I will actively be replying.</p>