LGBTQ+ at UMichigan

Can someone who is themselves lgbtq+ or a parent of someone who is weigh in on the atmosphere, acceptance, inclusion etc? Are there lots of kids who are out and living their best open life? Lots of activities and social life? What about the surrounding area re safety and inclusion (not “tolerance”)? Thanks for any insight.


No one with experience? Thanks

Hi @relaxmon
The main UMich thread is very active and has parents with kids there. You may want to post your question on that thread instead.

My daughter is gay but not at Michigan but by straight son went there and graduated last year. But… It is great for this community. Many professors are out and participate in activities. I wouldn’t worry but contact some of the groups on campus. At Michigan you can be who you are…


So as you can see with my link above that Michigan supports this community. It’s a great school if your lucky enough to get accepted. Hope this helps.


Thank you. I was a bit concerned about the rest of Michigan which I think is quite conservative but I suppose the kids live in the University bubble. I am concerned about states with potential for hate-type legislation, but Ann Arbor I am sure is quite progressive due to University.

Heres some stats:
as you can see, Washtenaw (where ann arbor is located), and its neighboring wayne, oakland, and ingham counties all are blue counties, so you will definitely feel included at umich. the areas with large, populated cities in Michigan always tend to be more liberal-democratic leaning.


Your child will be fine in most places in Michigan. I grew up there and still have family there. University of Michigan is very liberal but like any major school has all types of people with all types of views. Your child will be fine there and surrounding areas. Good Luck.

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My daughter identifies as lgbtq+ and is a Junior at UM. She is open and hasn’t had any big issues. UM and Ann Arbor are pretty inclusive as a whole. There certainly would be people with opposing views and in fact my daughters first room-mate as a freshman was very conservative and moved out halfway through the term without explanation. She wasn’t a jerk or anything but my daughter still felt upset. I suppose that is bound to happen anywhere you go unfortunately.


Thank you. That is really sad and sadder still that we are supposed to accept it as “bound to happen”. But I am glad to hear that otherwise she has had a positive experience.

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I agree that it is sad, I’d had greater hopes for society. I think the room-mate didn’t appreciate the pictures of my daughter and her girlfriend or her pride decorations. I’d rather she left than my daughter hide who she is.


Wow I would hope that kind of behavior is less likely in the Northeast where I for one would like to keep my child, though I could be wrong - there are haters everywhere. And a child of a friend had run into a homophobic reaction from roommates at U of Toronto- which generally is extremely liberal.

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Really though, this is the only negative interaction she has had in the three years she has been there. In general she feels very much like she is included and in a safe place. :slight_smile:

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At all schools kids tend to find their peeps. Her roommate just wasn’t one of them. My son (straight) had some sucky roommates also. Hopefully your daughter had the room to herself and just like… More room for her stuff… Lol

Covid evacuation happened soon thereafter so it all worked out! She has been renting a room in a house since then and it has been great.

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With due respect having a sucky roommate is very different from having one who is prejudiced against you for your identity. The first is a fact of life, the second shouldn’t be.

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No question about it. But not everyone is comfortable in other people’s lifestylea. I guess, they have that right also. I say this with a Lgbtq daughter. I didn’t mean to offend. Just saying sometimes roommates suck for lots of reasons and this is one example.

That’s great. My daughter’s first roommate was a 1/2 term international student. She left after the first semester since she just needed that extra semester to finish. My daughter was sad but then realized she had the whole room to herself and could spread out a bit :rofl:… She had other friends come for sleepovers and such… Lol.

If you have an lgbtq child and such a forgiving attitude you are afar better person than I! I absolutely don’t think they have any right to judge and more generally that haters and bigots have no place in universities. But I understand that isn’t where the world is….

Michigan campus and area is very liberal. You can be whomever you are. I live in Chicago and it’s the same. But not everyone feels this way or is uncomfortable around others that are not like them. Instead of having tension or maybe feeling uncomfortable the roommate moved out. I don’t see an issue with this. I don’t agree with it or like it but many don’t see the world as we do. No one should be made to be uncomfortable especially with the stress of being a freshman in college. My daughter made sure her roommates knew who she was and were OK with that. She really never had an issue. I hope this makes more sense now?