Liberal Arts College or University - self-discovery

<p>Students don’t need to be forced to interact with others however.
Some lacs are not nearly as socioeconomically diverse as larger schools.
My youngest attended a high school which was twice the size of her previous school.
I encouraged her to get involved in clubs / sports that were of interest or start one if it wasn’t preexisting.
She did the same thing in college.
Her interests are much broader than her major.</p>

<p>whenhen, that wasn’t my experience, but I went to a college which prides itself on its residential college system. My friends were all over the map - science, math. music, English, comp. lit., government, religion, history while I was a visual and environmental science major. While I liked people in my major, and it was easy to socialize in studio art classes, I don’t think any of them were close friends.</p>

<p>I think the biggest danger of an LAC is that if you have a quirky interest it may be harder to find a critical mass of like-minded kids, but not impossible if you’ve paid attention when you applied. (I wouldn’t go looking for a large group of kids who play math games at Vassar for example - which barely has a math requirement.)</p>