Life after Leaving BS - Success Stories

Thx, sometimes those painful lessons are the ones that have the most impact. Life is not a dress rehearsal. Improv skills are super useful!

After leaving BS midway junior year: college application results

6 rejections at reaches
1 reach acceptance (spring)–school PelicanKid will attend
3 match acceptances–state (California–Davis, UCSB, UCSD)
1 match acceptance (large research private)
1 safety acceptance with merit award (half tuition) (LAC)

I don’t think being at boarding school or not was the determining factor in these results. End result is, plenty of choices, and one reach came through so PK will attend there quite happily. Looking forward to graduation and college Parents’ Weekends!

Congratulations to PelicanKid! I love happy endings. :slight_smile:

@cameo43‌ Alas, this is just the beginning! :wink:

@PelicanDad Congratulations to you and PelicanKid!

Great outcome @PeilicanDad. Glad to hear it and congrats to Pelicankid!

Congratulations. That’s great news.

Good luck to PelicanKid on the next big adventure. The sky’s the limit!

I woke up to a very unexpected gift this morning… it was a rare text from K1 that included a photo of my two college boys ( FY K2 and Sophomore K1 ) together at a restaurant with the caption " Had dinner with Ted Kaczynski last night"

…and they were both smiling.

It would appear that K2 took the Deadliest Catch look ( we saw firsthand earlier this month when we ambushed our kids on an unannounced whirlwind college tour ) to the next level but it warms my heart that they got together on their own without me brokering some deal… I call that progress and hopefully the start of a new era.

I guess the other thing I’m trying to get used to is all the travel they’re doing on their own. They’re both several hours away from their college campuses right now and I just found out where they were this morning… You’re where? How did you get there? What came next was a tale that rivaled Planes, Trains and Automobiles…

Neither kid has a plan for how they’ll get back to school yet… and to illustrate what a complete loser I can be ( Yeah- I talk a good game…) - as soon as I heard this news, I went right down to the gas station and filled up my car for the SOS call I’ll never get… for the trip ( see rescue mission ) I’ll never take… and they would totally read me the riot act if they knew what was truly on my mind or that I did that.

And… as much as I hate to say this … this is my family’s success story: My ability to completely freakout without my kids knowing it. I’m totally kidding… OK- maybe not but their reasons for going on this particular weekend trip is a great source of pride for me… which I believe can be traced back to what they learned about supporting others and those types of experiences they had while they were at BS- so I’ll share…

The ( Bad News Bears ) kids K2 taught to row and coached last summer are racing for the first time this weekend and he wanted to surprise them and show his support. K1 is there to support the more advanced kids he coached the summer before. Neither kid is racing … just moved some mountains to get there to show their support… and scream louder than anyone else along the shoreline.

Good stuff even if Mom isn’t kept in the loop as much as she’d like to be . :slight_smile:

Quick note to formal dress BS parents with kids ( especially boys ) graduating next Spring … Beware! After graduation the experimentation with hair and clothing can get very interesting … but the confidence and spirit is something to marvel at- even if it slowly kills you.

Are you sure they don’t know you were getting ready for a rescue mission? They might know you better than you think!

Ha! You’re probably right, London. :slight_smile:

When they were at BS, I bet they’ve thought a lot about hitting the open road without a permission slip, chaperone or curfew for many, many years and now we’re here! I do admire their ingenuity ( for making the weekend happen and getting there ) but I would feel better if they had a plan or even a vague idea how they’ll get back… Just give me something-… anything!!

My husband: Are you going to save some of that Halloween candy for the kids tonight?

LOL. I’m fine… really.

Have another Milky Way.

I rallied and snapped out of it … after my husband replaced the Halloween candy with a glass of wine. :wink:

Photokids are back at school… and all is well. And the Milky Ways are in the freezer for the next crisis…

Now that’s what I call planning!