life at lehigh for minorities?

<p>How is the social life for minorities? I'm Pacific Islander and my only concern with Lehigh as of now are the few remarks that racism is prominant. I know the social scene revolves around the frats/sororities, would I be shut out of such organizations? I am used to having a very diverse group of friends, so I wouldn't have a problem making an effort towards being friends with people different from my own race, but I have witnessed clique-y behavior of minorities and non-minorities in my own school (which is probably much more diverse than Lehigh).</p>

<p>It’s a mixed bag, my friend. Lehigh does have a rep for not being the most liberal school around. In fairness, however, the administration through the Director of Admissions (an African American) is doing a lot to try to at least change the numerical mix on campus. All minorities are a fairly low percentage of the Lehigh student body, even Asians, which is surprising for a school with such a strong engineering program, but it’s getting better. </p>

<p>Unfortunately, it may be a generation before Lehigh is as tolerant as a Swarthmore or Wesleyan, and it will never be an Oberlin. That said, the administration does want to make things better. Maybe you can help.</p>