Life at UMiami

<p>Well I just got accepted to UMiami, I am deciding between other schools so I would really like to hear about the quality of life from a current student. What is the student body like? Are they really all stereotypical rich people who are stuck up? I come from a halfway wealthy family but ive worked since I was 16 and never really given anything.. hell college is coming out of my pocket. I am far from sheltered and have seen a lot. As of right now, quality of life and the overall atmosphere is what I am trying to decide on now. My top choices are UMiami and University of Colorado at Boulder.</p>

<p>I am not a student but I am a mother of a student so maybe I can give you a little insight to the college. We are middle class from NY. My daughter does work at school and when she comes home she works. Um gets a bad reputation that everyone is rich, they are not. D had no problem making friends. There all kinds of people there just like at any other university. There are many things to do there. Movies on the green , patio jams every week. Midnight breakfasts are always good. Just recently they had Sports Feast. Its when all the dorms compete against each other in all different kinds of games. DD told me she had a great time. Don't forget the Frost music school puts on performances. You can also go to all the games baseball, football, basketball etc.. They also have the wellness center that not only can you exercise but they run other classes. If you would like to see what students do visit Hurricane online (Its a newspaper online)on the UM site.</p>

<p>I do hope a student answers your question, but I hope this helped.</p>

<p>Hey I'm a current student.... so life at UMiami.. first of all, yes, there are a ton of rich people here but that doesn't necessarily mean that all of them are stuck up. there definitely are some snobs but i think it would be pretty difficult to find a school where there aren't at least some people like that! and, a majority of the school is on financial aid or received at least a partial scholarship. there's always a lot of fun things to do down here... greek life will get you really involved in so many different ways around campus and you'll be well-known. but, if you're not into that, it's not a big deal because greek life isn't HUGE here. there are sooo many clubs and student organizations that i'm sure you'll find something you like. and if you don't (which is probably impossible) you can start something of your own. the classes/academics are really good here... i feel like i've learned so much this year and that's something that i never really felt in high school. have you visited campus? if not, you should! it's beautiful! i'm from florida so i'm used to all the palm trees and everything but the people from out of state say that it's like living at a resort (not sure you'd feel like that at UC...). nightlife is good as well but i'm sure you've heard about that. students who like to go out will typically go out thurs-sat (minimally) while still making time for studying. we go to coconut grove (where there are a ton of bar/club type places), south beach, and house (frat) parties (which are usually only on fri and sat)... i don't know what else.. just ask me anything!</p>

<p>thank you for your replies! They are making me feel more and more like I want to come to Miami! How about coming in as a transfer student. what are some good places to live and find a roomate? I'd like to meet a lot of people... because coming from Michigan I won't know anybody.. are there any places where transfers usually go?</p>


<p>HOLA! I applied as a transfer student! Are you as well?</p>

<p>yeah I am a transfer, have you had a chance to visit the school or learn much about it?</p>

<p>Yup! I just visited a week and a half ago. The campus is the best I've ever seen anywhere: people look like models, most are actually pretty nice, huge lake w/fountain in th emiddle, just beautiful. They give real good scholarships for transfers if you have over a 3.75 gpa, so just pray you do!!</p>

<p>do you know anything about the off campus housing? It looks like that is really the only thing available for transfer students. Do you think itll still be pretty easy meeting new people living in a house?</p>

<p>OMG Off campus!? Scary. haha. ACtually that should be fun :). Except we might miss out on the social aspect (not really but living in dorms u know how that goes hehe.)
I know that most kids live off campus but I don't know where. And i don't have a car!!!!!!!!!!</p>

<p>oh no! I hear not having a car sucks down there, but I called UM yesterday and they said they will have an off-campus housing advisor there in around 10 days. I always thought that it may be harder to meet people too, but they place kids in off campus housing with roomates, then you have to realize people will be throwing parties in the area and its all college kids so you can meet many people at the parties and they wont be drunken freshman who just got away from their parents lol. who knows it might be a better experience.</p>

<p>Haha drunken freshmen oy vey. IDK I have been told I will have to restart if I get into/go to Miami (because I tried for Music and they have a real tight curriculum and I only spent my first semester of college takking classes that I had to take.) So, we'll see. I'm hoping they'll be ncie and grant me the title of "freshman and a half." haha.</p>