Likely Letter - Coming Out at March

<p>Does Cornell send out "likely letter" to applicants in March? If so, do people ,who receive these letters, like almost 100% sure they will get in in early April?</p>

<p>you posted this on least half the ivy league message boards...I'm glad you think you're getting one from all of them</p>

<p>I thought it was February?</p>

<p>What will this "likely letter" contain? Will it indicate something like you are being considered type of letter?</p>

<p>For the ivies, the letters will declare your chance of acceptance at whichever colleges choose to send you one as "likely" "moderate" or "unlikely." That said, you only get them if they say "likely," and you also only get them if you are a top applicant who might be accepted by a peer institution of the school sending the likely letter, to alert you not to accept the other school's offer of admission immediately.</p>

<p>Basically they don't want to lose a top student because he got another school's acceptance a week earlier.</p>

<p>Oh! Being an International student, I never knew this. And Cornell sends such letters to select students in Feb or may be March, is it? Any of you have any idea about CMU? I have applied there as well for Engg. Thanks.</p>

<p>many schools send out likely letters, though I don't know specifically about CMU.</p>

<p>Here is an ivy league page with some words on likelies for "athletes and other candidates," in other words, everyone: <a href="*"&gt;
*</a> Admissions Offices at each Ivy school may offer some athletic and other candidates a "likely" letter, which has the effect of a formal letter of admission provided the candidate continues to have a satisfactory secondary school experience. Coaches may initiate the requests for these letters, but only the office of admission can issue a"likely" letter.</p>

<li>A coach may both inquire about a candidate's level of commitment to an Ivy institution, or interest in attending that Ivy institution, and encourage that interest. However, a candidate may not be required to withdraw, or not make, other applications, or to refrain from visiting another institution, as a condition for receiving a "likely" letter.


<p>I got two likely letters from Cornell last year, one at the beginning of march and one at the end of march.</p>

<p>jason2811, which college did you apply to?</p>

<p>Architecure and Planning for the Urban and Regional Planning Program</p>

<p>Jason! Were/ Are you an outstanding sportsman or something? Or under this garb, they caution any other excellent candidate from going elsewhere?Thanks.</p>

<p>I didn't play any sports whatsoever</p>

<p>"My daughter also received an acceptance letter on Friday, Feb 17th, having left Ithaca on Feb 15th. It came in a very thin business envelope. She was accepted in the CALS and applied in late December, the 27th I believe. The letter inside said that the substantive acceptance (housing and finacial aid)info will come in early April, so I'm not really sure why they sent this, but we are very relieved nonetheless."</p>

<p>someone already got it!</p>


<p>did you apply to any other ivy leagues?</p>

<p>nope no other ivies</p>