Likely Letter

I received a likely letter from Kalamazoo in the mail today promising me that a “thick package” was on its way. I was wondering if they send this to a lot of students or if they truly only send it to the top of the pack? I’m very excited and looking forward to my acceptance!

My D received one as well!

I also received one. I believe it’s just K’s way of giving you good news before they’re technically allowed to. Did they mention a merit scholarship in yours? If so, it’s possible that the letters only go out to those receiving a Dean’s scholarship or a merit-based one that they did not apply for. In that case, I believe it would be just the “top of the pack”

@ezak9596 - They did mention a merit scholarship in mine. My parents are thrilled about that part, lol. I may end up at Kalamazoo if it turns out to be the cheapest (or at least comparable) to the other schools in my top 3 (Case Western and Wooster.) Just out of curiosity, is K one of your top choices?

Has anyone received the “thick package” yet - D hasn’t

We’re still waiting here, too. I’m not expecting it until the very end of the month, maybe even early April.