likely letters

<p>did anyone else receive one today?</p>

<p>i got one!!!</p>

<p>whats a likely letter?</p>

<p>no likely for me :[</p>

<p>Was this sent as an e-mail or as an actual typed out letter?</p>

<p>for future references, please tell us where you are from so we can get a “geographic” term.
Because most likey, no one from my area (Houston) will get one :/</p>

<p>and also keep in mind that likely letters are a strategic element of admissions - designed to attract students who might go elsewhere. Don’t worry if you don’t get one.</p>

<p>ive been given the impression its an “academic recruiting” letter aimed at attracting those students who are likely to go elsewhere for college. perhaps they get this info from the “where else did you apply?” question on their common app supplement?</p>

<p>what are everyones thoughts about these?</p>

<p>btw, im from a suburb of miami/ft. lauderdale, fl.</p>

<p>@ anhtimmy
actually, i do live in houston! i received my letter today, and it was typed out - not an e-mail.</p>

yeah, they probably got it from the “where else did you apply?” question - lol, i had wayyy too many reaches.</p>

<p>Could you guys who got likely letters please say what your stats were? I haven’t gotten a letter (at least yet, anyways) and i’m hopin its coz mail takes forever to get to wisconsin.
I really wanna go to Rice, so if it’s not too much of a hassle, I’d really appreciate it! Thanks!</p>

<p>yeah, i can post stats a little later. remind me if i forget.</p>

<p>I got one today!!! totally unexpected and out of the blue!!</p>

<p>None for me :frowning: im in TX by the way</p>

<p>oh by the way , i know rice didnt receive my application fee till the 16th i think so does that mean it takes a while for them to look over my application because it just changed it status to “Application under Review”</p>

<p>how many of these letters does rice send anyway?</p>

<p>oh btw im from Dallas TX. so im in state</p>

<p>mesquite girl and hamsi, i dont mean to be a pest…but I would love to see your stats.</p>

<p>Indy500, here is the link to my chances thread. WARNING: it is veeerrrrryyyyy long:)
<a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;
what date do the official decision letters come out?</p>

<p>^Okay, well, your stats are AMAZING… So I’m not really surprised that you got the letter. =] Congrats!</p>

<p>BTW, 1/11?? That’s a TINY class.</p>

<p>Thank you very much, Mesquite Girl. As Modulation said, your stats are outstanding! Congrats on getting into Rice and good luck with the other schools!</p>