Likley Hood of collegeboard scoring mistake

<p>How likely is it for the college board to make a scoring mistake on a make up exam. I took the december 3rd sat and there was a testing mishab and we were offered a make up exam on the 17th and they would cancel the Dec 3rd scores. I decided to take the make up exam and i was sure i did much better than the last time. I was 99% sure I scored at least a 700 on math, probably around a 750 or higher. The scores were delayed and were supposed to be sent out today. I checked my scores today as it has been 19 days after the make up test. My scores were much lower and I had a 630 in math. Much wore than I was expecting. 630 was the score I was expecting from the Dec. 3rd test. Is it possible they mixed up the scores? And if so how do I get them to fix the problem

<p>One important detail. On the critical reading on the Dec 3rd test I answered every question. On the make up test I omitted 1 question. The score report shows no omissions. Same with writing.</p>