Line References – Critical Reading

<p>I will be taking the PSAT in the fall and was wondering if the majority of the CR Passage Reading Questions were questions with line references.</p>

<p>The reason I ask this is because I’m using a strategy in which instead of reading the entire passage, I just answer the line reference questions first by reading the corresponding lines and then I tackle the general idea questions using the info I gained from the line reference questions.</p>

<p>At first, I thought this strategy was working great because the majority of the CR Passage questions in the Blue Book were line reference questions. However, I just noticed that the majority of the CR Passage questions in the Barron’s SAT book didn’t have line references.</p>

<p>So here’s my request: For those of you who have taken the ACTUAL PSAT before, did the majority of the Long passages in the critical reading section have line references? I’d greatly appreciate it if you can look at your old PSATs (if you still have them) and let me know.</p>


<p>Uhh I’m pretty sure a large portion of the long passage questions were line references.</p>

<p>Thanks motivated_101!</p>

<p>I’d greatly appreciate more replies!</p>

<p>Yeah, roughly 40-60% of CR questions (not vocab.) have line references.</p>

<p>Isn’t this the Grammatix method?</p>

<p>Most questions do have line numbers, but occasionally you have to search through the passage.</p>

<p>lolcake - </p>

<p>Yep, this is the Grammatix method.</p>

<p>Did you use it? - If you did, did it work out for you?</p>

<p>i used it…i remember i was fussing at lolcake because he didn’t like it. But guess what i learned, you end up reading the entire passage anyways whether u like it or not, give or take a sentence. No matter what, you end up reading the passage for general questions or because the line references don’t give enough information. Try the method out but remember that most 800ers on CC actually read the passage lol :)</p>

<p>Salzahrah - </p>

<p>So…I’m doing much better when I’m not reading the passages and instead just jumping ahead to the line reference questions.</p>

<p>But…for the main idea questions - do you recommend that I go ahead and do the line reference questions first and then use that info and a little bit of additional reading in the passage to answer these main idea questions? How did/would you do it?</p>

<p>Also, did you find that most of the CR (besides vocab) questions on the real SAT/PSAT had line references?</p>

<p>Any others with input?</p>


<p>A good thing about the grammatix method is that it keeps you focused. You can cancel out the wrong answer choices referring to something you haven’t read yet.</p>

<p>ive noticed that the barrons 2400 method is very similar to that of grammatix and the how to attack CR effectively…</p>

<p>and why do people read the whole passage first? you’re bound to have to basically read the passage again by going back to the passage when answering the line references…</p>

<p>^Not always. Reading first also helps you find the answers quicker for questions that don’t have line numbers and questions that ask you about how the author feels about a certain thing.</p>

<p>ok… but there are many more line references than those general kind of questions and even still for general questions you sometimes might have to still look back. also, without reading first, you are still basically “reading first” in terms of the general questions since those are done last.</p>

<p>What? Why is this turning into a debate? It’s simply a reason people read the passage first…</p>

<p>It all depends on the person doing it. Some people prefer seeing the big picture. Some prefer focusing on the details and using that info the piece together the big picture. Either way, you (or just me at least) usually end up reading the passages two or three times.</p>

With which practice tests are you using to check whats working better?
The way you mentioned on how to answer general passage questions is what i found most effective. And yes most questions ARE line references but i mean whats the point of NOT reading you know? Unless your reallllllllllly slow what harm is it going to be to read the passage? If you keep on inferring too much or keep adding your own information then the solution is NOT to stop reading but to stop inferring too much or adding extra information.</p>

<p>Salzahrah -</p>

<p>That seems to be my issue - What practice tests should I use? Which are the most like the real SAT?</p>

<p>I tried Barrons PSAT Book and just did a bit of the New McGraw Hill SAT Critical Reading workbook but their questions for CR seemed nothing like the Blue Book questions. Is there a way I can get PDFs of old SATs or something? What did you use to practice?</p>

<p>use blue book to test out your strategies but if your done with that then go to this link :
<a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;
those are three previously administered SAT tests so they are most like the SAT you will be taking. do NOT waste them, make sure you go over them completely including why you got answers RIGHT and why you got them WRONG</p>