<p>I am going to be registering for classes next week. Which classes satisfy the Linear Algebra requirement? Where can I take it and will there be room?</p>
<p>Math 308 or AMATH 352</p>
<p>At least for the former, there are plenty of different times to choose from, and people always drop before or within the first week of the quarter.</p>
<p>How hard is Linear Algebra at the UW? I hear that the difficulty varies a lot on the school.</p>
<p>Depends on the teacher. He could make your life easy or extremely difficult, depending on how he writes the tests. Thankfully, my prof never required us to write/develop proofs on a test and was pretty laid back.</p>
<p>Who would you recommend taking the course with? Any advice?</p>
<p>Professors won’t be listed until close to the first week of the quarter. They’re mostly graduate students, so they get regularly rotated. Once they’re posted, have a look and see if you can find one that’s rated well on professor sites. Whatever you do, don’t get stuck with professor King. He is well-regarded as the most difficult 308 prof.</p>
<p>It’s different from the calculus series, atleast in the way calculus is taught. I feel the calculus track at UW was centered towards engineering, and they focus on using the math already in place. On the hand, math308 involves reading alot of theory. If you enjoyed and cared for the theorems, and proofs inside your calculus textbook then you will enjoy this class too. If you did good in calculus because you learned how to do a particular set of problem via plug-and-chug or algorithm, then I warn you this class is ‘different’. Exams reflect this. The emphasis won’t be problems where you are given a physical world scenario (ball falling from building, or volume of revolution, or rate in/rate out) , translate it to math, solve the algebra/calculus. There are more questions necessitating answers in english, rather than math. There are alot of definitions, and the professors are picky about your phrasing for this class (and they should be, if you have an idea but can’t capture it in writing, then you probably didn’t understand the concept enough). There are true or false responses, and they aren’t simply true or false statements ver batim from the book. You will have to apply theorems from the book, and see if the statement is invalid or contradictory. You will come across dimensions other than ‘3d’, so you should be comfortable with the abstract and intangible. But remember that this is a sophomore level class, so they won’t be THAT brutal. So I guess, rather than comparing it to calculus series you should compare it to a philosophy class instead?</p>