Links in Additional Comments UC Application

Are we allowed to/Can we put links in the additional comments section of the UC Application?

In junior year, as part of the curriculum in AP Language and Composition, each student started up a writing blog and posted their two monthly writings to it. My teacher for that class said that it was going to be useful since we could put our blogs in the additional comments section of our college application. However, when a representative from UC Irvine came to our school, I asked about putting links in the additional comments section just to make sure, and he said no. He said that even if we put links there, they wouldn’t go to it. Thus, I’m posting this for clarification. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!

The UC’s have 2 additional comments section. Both require a written explanation and there is no indication you should be linking documents or websites. I would follow the UCI reps advice.

Academic Comment section:
Admission staff look at this section for an explanation of abnormalities in a student’s academic record, such as a break in attendance or poor grades in a particular course or year, or for specific information about the school environment/policies that affect the academic record and/or choices for classes.

Additional Comment section:
Additional comments (550-word limit) in the Personal insight section, which can be used to address anything else that is important for you to mention. If anything you have to explain about your academic record is too long to fit into Additional information, put an abbreviated explanation there and refer the application readers to a longer explanation in the Additional comments.

For Additional Comments UC Application for personal insight, if I put N/A, is it bad?