<p>hi, I would be a freshman at USF(University of South Florida) this fall of 2010, and hopefully in 4 years attend medical school. In high school I took AP calculus, and passed the AP exam with a score of 3. Honestly, this is the only subject I have ever had a hard time with. Luckily, I passed it and I thought I would not have to deal with it again. My major(Biomedical Sciences), requires me to take calculus1(which i got the ap credit for), and then take either calculus2 or statistics. My plan was to take statistics, however I found out that most medical schools do not take ap credits unless the score is a 5. The last time i took calculus was 2 years ago, this means I would have to take pre-calc, then calculus, and then finally move on to statistics. My questions are: Should I go and re-take this classes, have to pay for them and risk my gpa?.....Should i just move on to statistics and in the future look for a med-school that takes ap scores of 3?....taking pre calc,calculus again vs. better med-school?...should i settle?...is it worth it? </p>
<li>Could anyone provide me with a list of med schools that take ap-credits of 3?...or just scores of 5?...or the ones that do not accept any ap credits?...any list that might provide me with a better insight. </li>
<p>*Thank you in advance, for all the responses, suggestions, or advice. :)</p>
You got some bad data. </p>
<p>Med schools will never see your AP score. Ever. If your UG gave you credit, and the med school accepts AP credit for Calculus 1, you are done with calc 1. </p>
<p>Now, some med schools don’t accept AP credit for Calc and some require a full year of Calc, but neither of those things have anything to do with a 3 on a AP test.</p>
<p>Is that AP Calc AB or BC? Also, if you take a higher level math and don’t do as well, how will that look to med schools? (New too looking at med schools) Curmudgeon, what do you find the better books to read/learn more about med programs.</p>
<p>If you come in with AP Cal credit, then take the higher math level (or retake Cal I). </p>
<p>I don’t know which schools require Cal I and Cal II. It seems like many just ask for 2 semesters of math (which can be Cal I and Stats). But, maybe I’m confused. </p>
<p>Curmy will clarify. :)</p>
<p>It’s based on what credit your college grants. If they grant 1 semester for AB and 2 for BC, that’s what it is (for the med schools who accept AP credit for Calc). </p>
It wouldn’t be good. </p>
<p>My kid had Calc BC credit for Calc 1 and 2 and took college stats from the math department. That’s it. She found very few med schools that required more than that. </p>
<p>As to a book to read, well…not to sound like I’m bragging on our student pro’s around here (they are incredible), but this forum is better than a book.</p>
<p>All my kid and I did was </p>
<p>1) listen to those youngsters on here that have the real experience and generously give of their time,
2) buy the MSAR and USNEWS online
3) go to the med school websites
4) my kid kept in constant contact with her college pre-med advisor.
5) I researched all the financials, and all the technical crap
6) Hold our noses and dive in to sdn to spear a factoid and come right back out (and immediately take a shower to wash the neurosis off ;))<br>
7) and I had a lot of fun “commiserating”, passing on what the pro’s had taught me the week before.
<p>uhhhh…That’s pretty much it. Nothing magic. Just good hard work combined with some generous internet friends, willing to share. I like our little forum. It is the best of cc. </p>
<p>Stick around. You’ll figure out who knows their stuff.</p>
<p>Thanks. Just when we finished all the college stuff, getting into great school, etc. now the thought of starting for grad/med school. D was angling for Engineering, but thinks more about pre-med (likely will major in Environmental Science/Engineering)…but she hates Physics (she thinks). She actually shadowed on xmas break with Chief Radiology at nearby hospital and thinks that may be the way to go.</p>
<p>She didn’t do so well in math class (no C), but not an A, partly due to the curve (many in the class already had AP Calc BC, etc.) but maybe at Ivy it is a tough thing. Many then dropped the class. She isn’t too concerned, but reading online, to get into top med schools a lower GPA will hurt her.</p>
<p>She has an internship as freshman in science field, so she is off to great start. Trying to see what to do this summer. She is doing Alternative Spring break and mentioned the premed advisor mentioned some possible classes / research in summer. If anyone has info on summer programs/courses that would be great. I am more a finance person (as opposed to science/health field). I think med school is a long proposition…</p>
<p>D is still thinking of taking more advance math classes. Math has always been her favorite class (although the grade doesn’t reflect it). If she thinks premed, not sure if that is a good thing to do.</p>
<p>PS: First time I heard about MSAR book.</p>