LIST of most popular majors by university

<p>Hi everybody,</p>

<p>I am looking for a list with the popularity of each subject at a given uni - and that for most of the top universities out there.</p>

<p>Do you know of such a list? If not, let's make one! =)</p>

<p>Would I have to email each uni seperately to get this info?</p>

<p>I do NOT advocate applying for majors one does not intend to study just to increase chances of getting in. But let's say you don't care picking language A or language B, why not indicate interest for the less competitive one and do that one instead?</p>

<p>Thanks you!
Best wishes,

<p>If you are actually looking for admissions selectivity between different majors, be aware that some schools consider major selection and some do not for freshman admission (the latter usually admit all freshmen undeclared). Some do it by division (engineering versus arts/sciences, etc.).</p>

<p>But few make admissions selectivity differences by major publicly available, like San Jose State does:</p>

<p>[SJSU</a> Admission](<a href=“]SJSU”>
[SJSU</a> Admission](<a href=“]SJSU”></p>

<p>What about the Ivies?
This might be clich</p>

<p>Every school is different.</p>

<p>For example, when applying to Berkeley, it works like this:</p>

<li>Different subdivisions (Letters and Science, Engineering, Chemistry, Natural Resources, Environmental Design) have different levels of selectivity, depending on number of applicants and spaces available.</li>
<li>Engineering applicants face different levels of selectivity by major.</li>
<li>All Letters and Science admits enter as undeclared. In other subdivisions, freshman enter in a major, although some also allow entering undeclared.</li>