List of Top, Prestigious Awards

There’s a guy at my school with great stats and an attractive girlfriend. He plays 3 varsity sports (but one is quiz team), tutors, etc. etc. We’re actually all really shocked that his girlfriend is cute just because of the type of guy he is. He’s sort of perv-ish. In our physics class, we always go around saying that he must be the smartest even though he’s 3rd in the class (technically 7th, since we have 5 vals) because he gets good grades and actually has a life. Also, all the other smart kids mostly hang out with smart people, not in a mean way, but in an introverted way, but he knows everyone.

Haha wow way to stalk! jk

Great…so his gf’s beautiful as well…someone has a perfect life?

^And he’s athletic (double varsity I think, and multiple awards). Class president as well (so he’s pretty personable/somewhat popular at the least).

just wondering, why is eagle scout ranked so low (4) ? =/ i’m an eagle scout, and this list sorta crushed my hopes, though i have a few academic awards higher up on the list.

^Because Boy Scouts is kinda noob…and a lot of people are Eagle Scouts.

^Unfortunately it’s true. Though it does require commitment to achieve that level, it is not something above and beyond the rest of the crop.

why is the congressional award gold ranked more than eagle scout? It seems much easier requirement wise…

haha and on top of all that he’s like a math genius with his perfect amc scores and usamo qualifications and arml wins…yeah…so this kid has like a perfect life? brains + brawn + popularity + hawt gf…i wonder if he’d want to trade?

and just btw i wonder what he’d think if he saw this thread…haha…

eagle scout= 50000+/year
congressional gold medal= 100-200/year…and although the requirements may seem easier, from what i’ve heard the congressional award administrators do a very thorough application screening process, often cutting people who have achieved the required hours if their activities are not worthy of a national award…

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Oh and did you know databox is also rich? LOL>
And yes, he is one of the most popular students at his school. roflmao what a beast.

lol and on facebook, 28 people liked his relationship status change.

^Why isn’t there more animosity towards him then? Look at these tags. We’re worshiping him.

hahah wow…how do you know that he’s rich? correct me if i’m wrong, but i don’t think fb has a “social status” or “income” section on fb ahah…

that’s pretty amazing…how does a “math nerd” pull that off?

damn…really? that’s hella! good job fb stalking btw…

haha what is up with these tags? this is a “List of Top, Prestigious Awards” not a databox fanclub…but maybe the two are synonymous? ahaha jk

maybe instead of hating on him or worshiping him, we should just leave him alone, i’m sure he’d be a little more than appalled to see people talking about his personal life on an online forum?

…way to stalk, that’s actually quite a lot!

what are your opinions about NIH research? I noticed it’s ranked an “8” at the same level with RSI and TASP.

Scholastic Portfolio Gold/Silver are only awarded to Seniors and only in late April. So they wouldn’t ordinarily influence college admissions decisions- unless you are trying to get off a waitlist, or planning to apply during a gap year.

Where would state awards in texas academic decathlon go on this?

^um i’d put them somewhere between 4-6…but idk for sure since i haven’t had too much exposure to academic decathlon…

nylf…state level-recommended by a teacher

nylf is 1 or below.

read the threads about nylf/nylc and related programs. they are completely worthless in terms of prestige and selectiveness.

hey i know this thread is kinda old, but does anyone know where being a Jack Kent Cooke Young Scholar would fall on this list?

never heard of it, maybe like a 2 if it is regional