List of Top, Prestigious Awards

Jack Kent Cooke Young Scholar is extremely difficult to get. It’s on the same level as Presidential Scholar, or Davidson Fellow.

Spaatz Award - Civil Air Patrol

Less than 1% of Cadets who ever joined the Civil Air Patrol have gotten this. Huge deal. Extremely difficult to get, would have to move up ALL the ranks in the CAP. Would look great, especially if applying to a SA I would imagine!

Also Gates Millennium Scholar – EFFING HUGE DEAL!!! Gates Foundation pays for ALL your schooling for ten years. Only available to minorities though and a hundred selected students from around the country.

how how how is this thread still going going oging

Where does SkillsUSA rank? I know its mostly people at Votechs (and their associated academies) who do SkillsUSA, so do colleges even know about it? Someone mentioned being a SkillsUSA State/Nat’l officer is 7 or 8… I honestly think it’d be reaaaaaally easy for me to become one…

I just stumbled on this thread. Earlier in the thread, the authorship of an article in Nature was mentioned. If a high schooler indeed did the research and co-authored a paper published in Nature, this accomplishment dwarfs everything else. Ditto for Science. Everything else on the list repeats every year, but only once in a blue moon do you see a high schooler publishes on Nature or Science. Because of the stature of these journals, there is virtually no way they’ll let a high schooler publish anything as a sole author, so co-authorship is assumed.

11 - Published in Nature or Science
10 - D1 athlete, IMO/IPHO/ICHO/IBO medals, Intel (top 10), Siemens National Winner/National Finalists, ISEF top 3 Grand Prize
9 - ISEF(1st places), Siemens Westinghouse (finalists), MOP, Intel Finalist, Presidential Scholar, Davidson Fellow, Presidential Scholar of the Arts, Scholastic Art & Writing Portfolio Gold Award, NFL Nationals winner (speech and debate)
8 - TASP/RSI/NIH Research, Science Bowl/Ocean Science Bowl/NAQT winners, USPhO/USChO/USABO/USAMO/USACO national finalist (inclusive of USAMO qualification), Siemens Semi-finalists/ISEF(2-4 places), Intel semifinalist, Running your own <em>successful</em> business, AMC Perfect Score
7 - Selective summer programs or competitions, such as SSP, Clark Summer Program, YESS, and MITES. ARML top score, Scholastic Art & Writing National Silver or Gold Medal. NFL Nationals qualifier (speech and debate), Congressional Award Gold Medalist
6 - USPhO/USChO/USABO/USACO semifinalist, AIME, AMC 12 school winner, Science Olympiad National medals, Congressional Award Silver Medalist
5 - National Latin Convention 1st Places Academic Contests, All-Eastern/all-regional music, National History Day winner
4- Perfect Score (Multiple Years) on National Latin Exam, or other languages, some state awards (all-state music, etc), Science Olympiad state medals (depending on what state you’re from), USAMTS Gold, National History Day, JETS TEAMS National Finalist or Regional winner, MUN Gavel
3 - All-County music, winning at local/regional science fairs, Eagle Scout, National Merit
2 - Bank of America Awards, most local awards/trophies (art, music, community - although they will say something about your character), Essay Contests, State History Day
1 - National Honor Society, Beta Club, School Departmental Awards, School Honor Roll, Key Club, CSF, Interact Club
0 - Who’s Who, National Honor Roll, National Society of High School Scholars

Do we all agree that having had NIH research merits an 8 on this list?

Meh, I think 7 but it’s not going to really effect me if you put it at 8.

Where would you guys put co-authoring a paper that’s not in a super prestigious journal? Like journals where an average/above-average college/grad student would get published?


What about the US Senate Youth program? That probably is at least a 5 or 6, I think? (only two chosen from each state)

Sorry but The YES Competition ( Young Epidemiology Scholarship) has to be included on this list and as a 10. Each year, 120 high school students are awarded scholarships ranging from $1,000 to $50,000 when they research the answers to the questions about the health problems of today.

[The</a> YES Competition at a Glance](<a href=“College Board - SAT, AP, College Search and Admission Tools”>College Board - SAT, AP, College Search and Admission Tools)

More than 560 Research Reports were received in 2008-09. Of these, 120 students received college scholarships ranging from $1,000 to $50,000.

<pre><code>* Up to 60 Semifinalists receive scholarship awards of $1,000.

  • Up to 60 Regional Finalists receive an expense-paid trip to present their research at the regional and national competitions in Washington, D.C.
  • 48 Regional Finalists receive scholarship awards of $2,000.
  • 12 Regional Finalists compete in the national finals for awards ranging from $15,000 to $50,000:
    -Six receive $15,000 each
    - Two receive $20,000 each
    - Two receive $35, 000 each
    - Two receive $50,000 each

11 - Published in Nature or Science
10 - D1 athlete, IMO/IPHO/ICHO/IBO medals, Intel (top 10), Siemens National Winner/National Finalists, ISEF top 3 Grand Prize, YES Competition (Young Epidemiology Scholarship) Top 4.
9 - ISEF(1st places), Siemens Westinghouse (finalists), MOP, Intel Finalist, Presidential Scholar, Davidson Fellow, Presidential Scholar of the Arts, Scholastic Art & Writing Portfolio Gold Award, NFL Nationals winner (speech and debate)
8 - TASP/RSI/NIH Research, Science Bowl/Ocean Science Bowl/NAQT winners, USPhO/USChO/USABO/USAMO/USACO national finalist (inclusive of USAMO qualification), Siemens Semi-finalists/ISEF(2-4 places), Intel semifinalist, Running your own <em>successful</em> business, AMC Perfect Score
7 - Selective summer programs or competitions, such as SSP, Clark Summer Program, YESS, and MITES. ARML top score, Scholastic Art & Writing National Silver or Gold Medal. NFL Nationals qualifier (speech and debate), Congressional Award Gold Medalist
6 - USPhO/USChO/USABO/USACO semifinalist, AIME, AMC 12 school winner, Science Olympiad National medals, Congressional Award Silver Medalist
5 - National Latin Convention 1st Places Academic Contests, All-Eastern/all-regional music, National History Day winner
4- Perfect Score (Multiple Years) on National Latin Exam, or other languages, some state awards (all-state music, etc), Science Olympiad state medals (depending on what state you’re from), USAMTS Gold, National History Day, JETS TEAMS National Finalist or Regional winner, MUN Gavel
3 - All-County music, winning at local/regional science fairs, Eagle Scout, National Merit
2 - Bank of America Awards, most local awards/trophies (art, music, community - although they will say something about your character), Essay Contests, State History Day
1 - National Honor Society, Beta Club, School Departmental Awards, School Honor Roll, Key Club, CSF, Interact Club
0 - Who’s Who, National Honor Roll, National Society of High School Scholars

Unfortunately for me, i lost my think 140 page binder of research on Iron-Deficiency Anemia and found it when it was too late to advance significantly on what i was planning on doing with it.

Damn, any 8th/9th grader that gets their hands on this list is so lucky! wish i had it when i was a freshman.

NYLF is like a zero, one at best. it’s like who’s who. doesn’t really do you any good.

agreed. although most of this stuff i’m not interested in at all.

To return this list to one scaled from 1-10:
10 - D1 athlete, IMO/IPHO/ICHO/IBO medals, Intel (top 10), Siemens National Winner/National Finalists, ISEF top 3 Grand Prize, Published in Nature or Science
9 - ISEF(1st places), Siemens Westinghouse (finalists), MOP, Intel Finalist, NFL Nationals winner (speech and debate)
8 - TASP, RSI, USPhO/USChO/USABO/USAMO/USACO national finalist (inclusive of USAMO qualification), Siemens Semi-finalists/ISEF(2-4 places), Intel semifinalist, Running your own <em>successful</em> business, AMC Perfect Score, Presidential Scholar, Davidson Fellow, Presidential Scholar of the Arts, Scholastic Art & Writing Portfolio Gold Award
7 - Selective summer programs or competitions, such as SSP, Clark Summer Program, YESS, NIH Research, and MITES. ARML top score, Scholastic Art & Writing National Silver or Gold Medal. NFL Nationals qualifier (speech and debate), Congressional Award Gold Medalist, YES Competition (Young Epidemiology Scholarship) Top 4.
6 - USPhO/USChO/USABO/USACO semifinalist, AIME, AMC 12 school winner, Science Olympiad National medals, Congressional Award Silver Medalist, Science Bowl/Ocean Science Bowl/NAQT winners
5 - National Latin Convention 1st Places Academic Contests, All-Eastern/all-regional music, National History Day winner
4- Perfect Score (Multiple Years) on National Latin Exam, or other languages, some state awards (all-state music, etc), Science Olympiad state medals (depending on what state you’re from), USAMTS Gold, National History Day, JETS TEAMS National Finalist or Regional winner, MUN Gavel
3 - All-County music, winning at local/regional science fairs, Eagle Scout, National Merit
2 - Bank of America Awards, most local awards/trophies (art, music, community - although they will say something about your character), Essay Contests, State History Day
1 - National Honor Society, Beta Club, School Departmental Awards, School Honor Roll, Key Club, CSF, Interact Club
0 - Who’s Who, National Honor Roll, National Society of High School Scholars

Hi, I need a opinion about my situation:

I have a 3rd award in Electrical and Mechanical Engineering in Isef - Award from Yale Science and Engineering Association - 1st Place in Innovation in Febrace (Brazilian national fair) - 1st place in Engineering on Febrace - 3rd award at Robocore (Brazilian Robogames)…

Plus more 15 others prizes (regional, national, south American)…

I also have a diploma as mechanical technician and a patent pending.

With this curriculum + perfect score on SAT’s, What are my chances to be accepted on MiT or CalTech for example?

Detail that I’m Brazilian, so my application will be as International applicant…


what about catholic national forensic qualifiers
where do they go?

10 - D1 athlete, IMO/IPHO/ICHO/IBO medals, Intel (top 10), Siemens National Winner/National Finalists, ISEF top 3 Grand Prize, Published in Nature or Science, YES Competition (Young Epidemiology Scholarship) Top 6.
9 - ISEF(1st places), Siemens Westinghouse (finalists), MOP, Intel Finalist, NFL Nationals winner (speech and debate)
8 - TASP, RSI, USPhO/USChO/USABO/USAMO/USACO national finalist (inclusive of USAMO qualification), Siemens Semi-finalists/ISEF(2-4 places), Intel semifinalist, Running your own <em>successful</em> business, AMC Perfect Score, Presidential Scholar, Davidson Fellow, Presidential Scholar of the Arts, Scholastic Art & Writing Portfolio Gold Award
7 - Selective summer programs or competitions, such as SSP, Clark Summer Program, YESS, NIH Research, and MITES. ARML top score, Scholastic Art & Writing National Silver or Gold Medal. NFL Nationals qualifier (speech and debate), Congressional Award Gold Medalist, YES Competition (Young Epidemiology Scholarship) Top 4.
6 - USPhO/USChO/USABO/USACO semifinalist, AIME, AMC 12 school winner, Science Olympiad National medals, Congressional Award Silver Medalist, Science Bowl/Ocean Science Bowl/NAQT winners
5 - National Latin Convention 1st Places Academic Contests, All-Eastern/all-regional music, National History Day winner
4- Perfect Score (Multiple Years) on National Latin Exam, or other languages, some state awards (all-state music, etc), Science Olympiad state medals (depending on what state you’re from), USAMTS Gold, National History Day, JETS TEAMS National Finalist or Regional winner, MUN Gavel
3 - All-County music, winning at local/regional science fairs, Eagle Scout, National Merit
2 - Bank of America Awards, most local awards/trophies (art, music, community - although they will say something about your character), Essay Contests, State History Day
1 - National Honor Society, Beta Club, School Departmental Awards, School Honor Roll, Key Club, CSF, Interact Club
0 - Who’s Who, National Honor Roll, National Society of High School Scholars

You skipped one award for 10, i put it back.

Hi, where do you think Honourable Mention at IMO would be? Around a 9 or 10?

10-Medal winner at any of the International Science Olympiads, Intel or Siemens winner.
9-D1 Athlete, Intel/Siemens finalist, Participated in the MOP
8.- United States science olympiads(USAMO,USABO etc) DAvidson Fellow
7-Most selective/prestigious summer programs(RSI etc)
6. AIME, Perfect score on AMC 12,
5-All eastern, regional band

Umm tbh, I don’t think YES is anywhere close to being worthy of 10. Maybe a 6/7 at best.

tbh, a perfect score in the National Latin Exam should be a 2. Maybe a 1.

Nope, I moved YES down to 7; you just added a repeat at 10.

Exactly why I moved it down.

**Updated compilation: **

10 - D1 athlete, IMO/IPHO/ICHO/IBO medals, Intel (top 10), Siemens National Winner/National Finalists, ISEF top 3 Grand Prize, Published in Nature or Science
9 - ISEF(1st places), Siemens Westinghouse (finalists), MOP, Intel Finalist, NFL Nationals winner (speech and debate)
8 - TASP, RSI, USPhO/USChO/USABO/USAMO/USACO national finalist (inclusive of USAMO qualification), Siemens Semi-finalists/ISEF(2-4 places), Intel semifinalist, AMC Perfect Score, Presidential Scholar, Davidson Fellow, Presidential Scholar of the Arts, Scholastic Art & Writing Portfolio Gold Award
7 - Selective summer programs or competitions, such as SSP, Clark Summer Program, YESS, NIH Research, and MITES. ARML top score, Scholastic Art & Writing National Silver or Gold Medal. NFL Nationals qualifier (speech and debate), Congressional Award Gold Medalist, ** YES Competition (Young Epidemiology Scholarship) Top 4. **
6 - USAPhO/USNCO/USABO semifinalist, Science Olympiad National medals, Congressional Award Silver Medalist, Science Bowl/Ocean Science Bowl/NAQT winners
5 - National Latin Convention 1st Places Academic Contests, All-Eastern/all-regional music, National History Day winner, AIME, AMC 12 school winner, USAMTS Gold
4- Perfect Score (Multiple Years) on National Latin Exam, or other languages, some state awards (all-state music, etc), Science Olympiad state medals (depending on what state you’re from), National History Day, JETS TEAMS National Finalist or Regional winner, MUN Gavel
3 - All-County music, winning at local/regional science fairs, Eagle Scout, National Merit
2 - Bank of America Awards, most local awards/trophies (art, music, community - although they will say something about your character), Essay Contests, State History Day
1 - National Honor Society, Beta Club, School Departmental Awards, School Honor Roll, Key Club, CSF, Interact Club
0 - Who’s Who, National Honor Roll, National Society of High School Scholars

9-10 seems like a good range (probably closer to 9 though)