List Scholarships on Awards Section?

Would it be appropriate to list college scholarships I’ve received on the awards list?

For context, I have won two $8k scholarships to two different schools at Penn State, from science research I’ve done.

If yes, how should I list it? Should I name-drop the school, or give the money value? Should I give a short description on why I got the scholarship?

Is the money only good at Penn State or can be applied to any college?

Only good for Penn State

Do you want to tell UMD or Harvard that Penn State has given you money so you should save the hassle now and reject me ? That’s the message it sends (I think) - and lots of schools give $$.

Now if it’s an award name and why you got it, without the money listed, I’d say it’s ok. But I’d be careful. Many don’t have awards and worry. They shouldn’t. What matters imho isn’t the award but what you did to earn it and that will be in your ECs.

If you win a gold medal at the Olympics, it’s great. But not for the gold medal itself but what it took to get it. That’s what matters.

That’s my opinion anyway.

Good luck.

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