Listing activities on online app...

<p>so do you just list the activies, but don't do the Years Involved, Hours/wk, Wks/ year format thing?</p>

<p>i have the same question too...</p>

<p>do you list it with a description as well? b/c for now i only have something like </p>

<p>"Red Cross - I blah blah blah taught classes blah blah etc."</p>

<p>any inputs or suggestions?</p>

<p>I think I put years involved etc. but didn't describe in depth like technika except to put if I had been an officer in any of the orgs (president, section leader etc.)</p>

<p>on the paper app they put an example that includes hrs/wk and wks/yr and a short description w/ leadership positions held, etc.</p>

<p>oh i just found it on the paper app</p>

<p>"Please list the items in the following order, and describe briefly, limiting the summary to one side of a single page. (Ex. Spanish Club - 9th-12th grade; 2 hours per week; 30 weeks per year: Language club dedicated to promoting the understanding of Spanish language and culture. Elected treasurer junior year and president senior year.)</p>

<p>I did mines like the example in the paper app.</p>