Living Preference Questionnaire is online

<p>The title says it all. I logged in and it is working. I know it's earlier than what they said officially, so who knows if the entered information will carry through. It seems online though.</p>

<p>yeap. CHARMS is out..</p>

<p>I was just wondering...for people that were assigned to the New South dorm, what'd you guys put down on the form in general?</p>

<p>what is the url for that?</p>

<p><a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>YES! I filled mine out and basically tried to rig it so that I'd get into New South, lol. Supposedely it works pretty well.</p>

<p>uh how would u rig that for new south? it just living prefernces.. and tastes. nobody is going to put u in new south just cause u write u wanna be very social.</p>

<p>Untrue. Certain things like listening to really loud music and expressing that you will be socializing in your room every night generally tends to at least keep people away from somewhere like village c, if not getting them into new south.</p>

<p>yeah but what was the deal with that little drop down arrow for "degree of importance" </p>

<p>did new south people put like a 9 for that and then "yes i will socialise in my room every night of the week"</p>


<p>"yes i like to study with the TV on and loud music" and a 9 on the drop box again?</p>

<p>I heard Village C West is best for freshman. How do you answer so you get it?</p>