My daughter was very excited to be invited to the Nursing LLC. I think it will jumpstart her into the FSU community and pre-Nursing program to make sure it is right for her . A big side benefit was getting into Wildwood (especially with her high priority number) and the room/bathroom setup is exactly what she was looking for.
Anybody else apply to an LLC?
My daughter applied and was invited to the WIMSE LLC, and is very excited about living in Cawthon Hall 
My daughter got into the LLC for nursing. She liked Wildwood but wanted Dorman/Deviney after touring them on preview day. Her priority number was very low at 46. However, she decided the LLC was more important than her room. I hope she enjoys the program. It sounded interesting.
@MFaieta I agree the program does look interesting and hopefully they get a good bunch of kids in the program this year. 46!?!? Wow you guys must have submitted the contract seconds after opening.