Local presentations?

<p>Do any of you guys know any local presentations for Cornell located in California? To be more specific, how about Los Angeles?</p>

<p>I tried looking in Cornell's website but I couldn't find any.</p>

<p>In addition, do people actually take a day trip to go to an orienattion when they don't live in New York themselves? Also, do they have any special programs that allow high school students to get a campus tour and have their trip there paid?</p>

<p>I am sorry if any of these questions are supposed to be already "known". Thanks for helping!! ;]</p>

<p>Special Programs: yes they have them but you get invited to them for being URM or something of the like. Theres one for engineering like that, but I think they find you versus you finding them.</p>

<p>You could call the admissions office and ask. The obviously recruit in cali. There is also probably a Cornell (Alumni) Club of LA.</p>

<p>thank u again! wow...u are really answering all of my answers today! :]</p>

<p>I got invited to a couple of Cornell functions/events but it was in February after they had identified me as an applicant.</p>