location of cbs classes

<p>Hello all. The College of Biological Sciences sounds like something my younger daughter might want to look into, but I see from the campus map that it is located on the St. Paul campus. Does that mean that freshmen in that college are constantly taking a shuttle over to St. Paul if they live on the Minneapolis campus?
Thanks for any info.</p>

<p>From what I understand (not currently a student, but am planning on attending as a CBS student next year), it shouldn’t be much of an issue. For one thing, while CBS advising is in St. Paul, a lot of classes for a CBS student won’t be – your daughter would be taking a lot of freshman classes that aren’t necessarily even science related, and even as she gets older and goes further into her major, most of her courses will probably be on the Minneapolis campus – there’s a new, gorgeous Molecular and Cell Biology building on the East Bank, for example, where she’ll probably have several classes. She might have to shuttle over to St. Paul sometimes, but from what I understand the bus ride is pretty short and buses are very frequent, so it shouldn’t be a big deal. If she does find as an upperclassman that a lot of her classes are in St. Paul, she can definitely find an apartment near campus or live in Bailey, the St. Paul residence hall. But as a freshman, it shouldn’t be an issue. Freshmen really should only have to shuttle over to see their advisors, and maybe for a couple of classes, depending on your daughter’s freshman schedule.</p>

<p>Hope that helps!</p>

<p>Thanks so much!</p>

<p>My sister is a student at the U and she is taking some very advanced courses this year. She sometimes has to go over to the St. Paul campus, but she doesn’t make it out to be a big deal.</p>