loft bed disaster

<p>We ordered our loft bed through college loft beds and husband and son assembled it today...all day. Everything went wrong that could go wrong. It was too long, so no room for s to get on. The desk underneath has to be pulled all the way out or s hits his head on the cross beam. Some of the pieces didn't line up right so h had to redo them. The shelf I paid extra for didn't work out for some reason. The electric drill h brought down was too weak and had to be re-charged every few minutes. </p>

<p>Anything that could have gone wrong did. I wasn't there with them, so I just got the blow by blow as the day went on.</p>

<p>Oh, I forgot, the side that s wanted in the room had an air conditioning vent that blows right onto the bed, so he had to switch to the other side.</p>

<p>Not the best start in the world, but I figure it's gotta be better tomorrow.</p>

<p>How are all of your move in days going?</p>

I am waiting to hear how S's loft situation works out. We had to leave Saturday evening. Still no sign of the "loft guys". Now S wants to build his own. Since he has no car (nor does roomie) I have visions of him on the Metrorail with his wood. Not a pleasant thought. I will PM you later with other move in day issues. IT"S ALL GOOD. IT'S ALL GOOD. IT'S ALL GOOD. ( I am almost convinced).</p>

<p>We had lofts installed in Hecht by Everything was fine, they showed up a little late and took longer than expected to install. My S and RM are happy, but I think it is difficult to get on and off the bed as it is 5 feet off the ground. Also, the loft isn't flush against the wall since the shelving/bolsters that are beside the bed stick out, so both sides of the bed are "open". Not my ideal situation, but I don't have to sleep on it!!</p>

<p>4kids - hope all goes well with the loft guys showing up! I like your mantra. :) I'm eager to hear about your other move in day stories.</p>

<p>good girl44 - glad all went well with your son's loft. I can imagine it might be a little freaky to have both sides open, hopefully your son is not a restless sleeper! I wish I had heard of your loft company before I ordered mine. Where did you find out about them?</p>

<p>As for our loft is up and running. Husband had to make a run to home depot to get parts to construct a ladder on the front so son could actually climb up. From all accounts it has turned out well and it appears the crisis is averted. The other problem that I failed to mention previously was that the new beds in the dorms can't be taken apart, so they were not able to take it apart to use on the loft bed. They managed to use the entire bed and slide it on with legs poking down, but not too much in the way. Now that loft bed crisis has abated I am hoping it is smooth sailing from here on!</p>

<p>Hi Everyone
D got guys off of facebook to put together her bed and room mates. They didn't come so we called them after waiting a half hour at 10:30 at night. They said they ran out of wood. Hired someone else the next day who was doing room next door to them. They were very nice and the price was better. Wish I could remember there names.
Husband and I and two of her brothers went down Wednesday. Was very easy moving in and all the people were very friendly and helpful.Loved the Cane kickoff and the brunch for parents. My only wish is I could have seen my daughter a little more then 15 minutes here and there. The most time we got to spend with her was 1 hour for dinner on saturday for dinner. This is because she is in Band of the Hour. Anyway we had a great time and got all the things we had to get done.</p>

<p>goodgirl44 your right there is a space between wall and bed. Its a little dangerous. And to get on bed you have to climb on desk to get up there. I dont know if she''ll want it next year.</p>

<p>I'm glad to hear you all survived the big move-in without too many glitches. I'm sure your kids are going to love UM.</p>

<p>4kids-It is all good, I'm sure. How did the little divas do? We need details.</p>

<p>RM found the loft builders on the internet. I just looked at their website and they have raised their prices in the last few days. Yes, the kids have to climb on the chair and then the desk to get on, but the real problem is getting off. S and RM have been jumping off.</p>

<p>4kids- I'm also interested in hearing about other move-in issues. Ours was pretty smooth.</p>

<p>Did anyone attend a "Letting Go" session? After the first few minutes everyone was crying!</p>

<p>goodgirl - We attended the "Letting Go" session last year when S was a freshman. Lots of crying then too.</p>

<p>It really is all good. S just called and THE LOFT GUYS HAVE ARRIVED. He said he will call later and let me know how it turns out. He seemed pretty pumped up. Actually, he has been super happy since he stepped on campus. He seemed to get a super match up in the roomate situation. I think they will get along fine. The major issues other than not really seeing S much was the "holding time" on the lofts. S brought down a futon and t.v and we didn't want to unload the trailer until he could get everything in. We ended up shoving everything in the room Sat. and headed out of town.</p>

<p>S is so happy to be at the U. We are so happy he is there. Seems like he has met some very nice kids already. The Cane kick off was very nice as was the Parent breakfast. I had signed up for the Letting Go session. I missed my time so I had to wait for the next one. As I was sitting outside the room and looking in the window, I was reminded of an AA meeting. I had visions of me in there next saying "I am 4KIDS and I have a freshman". When I saw the cryers, I got up and headed to S's dorm to try and catch him on his break. I am so glad I did , because we had our only time just the two of us. It was a perfect LETTING GO moment.</p>

<p>The divas were in rare form. Lets just leave it at that. I have a glass of wine now. Here's to all the students and all the parents.</p>