<p>anyway, i'm just really scared haha. everyone in my school is being accepted to schools, like UCI and calpoly, which released their decisions. I'm waiting for UCI, and I got waitlisted (argh...) at cp... when others who had much much lower stats than me and applied to same major got accepted??!!</p>
<p>it's really upsetting to see all of this. i'm like, one of the last few people in my school to not get a decision from uci yet. sure, they said that they are getting out decisions till march end or w/e, but still...does this mean i am rejected?</p>
<p>No, it does not mean your rejected. It just means you haven’t reveceived your decision yet. I’ve been accepted to tons of schools and i know people who applied to way more than me and have only been accepted into one. </p>
<p>This happened to one kid at my school last year, so if this happened to me, I’d probably do the same. He didn’t get into any of the schools he wanted so he took a year off, did research at the local state university and volunteer work and other stuff, applied this year and is going to Cornell in the fall.</p>
<p>If you think. you can make it into these schools, then just hope for the best. Hopefully you applied to safeties and colleges you’re absolutely sure would take you.</p>
<p>I’ve been getting responses from colleges but I’m not that happy. I got into NYU’s LSP program (not CAS) with really good stats, or avg stats for an asian at least. for now I guess we all need to be patient =/
good luck :]</p>
<p>I mean, I thought I would at least get into Cal Poly…</p>
<p>Everyone, and by everyone, I literally mean everyone, got accepted…even those with much lower stats (i know, they showed me their grades…) and same major T.T. Kinda embarassing…but whatever, I guess.</p>
<p>I have 2 colleges in, but nothing yet that screams “Damn, I want to go there!” if youu get what I’m saying. Although I’m getting some pretty nice options from one of my schools, so I’m considering it now…but who knows.</p>
<p>Honestly, I mean, I worked really hard during high school. Sure, I had my ups and downs, etc. but who hasn’t? I worked hard during junior and senior year (1st sem) and had a really good GPA. But was it worth it? People who put in less effort to no effort at all seem to be getting in left and right…</p>
<p>I completely understand…! I’ve only gotten into my super-safety (honors & a scholarship, though) and spring semester at UMd., my state school which I thought I would get into easily. Gah, I feel like I’ve worked pretty hard in school and I don’t think it’s paying off at all.</p>
<p>Still waiting on everywhere else.</p>
<p>If I don’t get in anywhere else, I don’t know what I’ll do.</p>