<p>Has anyone studied abroad in, or visited, both London and Melbourne? I'm so torn between the two and I don't have much time to decide. </p>
<p>I'm a Political Science and Film major, and I'm currently studying at UCL in London. I'm not the biggest fan of the university, but I love the city and I've made friends here, so it's a hard choice. My main reason for leaving would be to change universities--I can take film classes at the University of Melbourne, but not at UCL. This doesn't bother me much...I can take film classes when I return to my home institution. But it's why I initially applied for Melbourne for my second semester of studying abroad. Now it's difficult to go through with the decision.</p>
<p>I guess my real question is, for anyone who's been to both cities, which did you prefer and why? Could anyone give me a sense of what Melbourne is like? Anything would help really, since I don't know anything about Australia.</p>