London vs. Melbourne

<p>Has anyone studied abroad in, or visited, both London and Melbourne? I'm so torn between the two and I don't have much time to decide. </p>

<p>I'm a Political Science and Film major, and I'm currently studying at UCL in London. I'm not the biggest fan of the university, but I love the city and I've made friends here, so it's a hard choice. My main reason for leaving would be to change universities--I can take film classes at the University of Melbourne, but not at UCL. This doesn't bother me much...I can take film classes when I return to my home institution. But it's why I initially applied for Melbourne for my second semester of studying abroad. Now it's difficult to go through with the decision.</p>

<p>I guess my real question is, for anyone who's been to both cities, which did you prefer and why? Could anyone give me a sense of what Melbourne is like? Anything would help really, since I don't know anything about Australia.</p>

<p>UCL is a great university but they do not do not offer undergraduate degrees in film or political science. You can study foreign language films at SELCS but that’s it. Don’t blame UCL for not offering courses in your major; you should have checked before you left.</p>

<p>haha, I knew exactly what classes were offered at UCL before I came. I said I didn’t really mind either that they weren’t totally relevant to my major…not why UCL bugs me. My question is about comparing London to Melbourne as places of habitation.</p>

<p>Why does it bug you then?</p>

<p>I didnt study at university but i studied 3 times in London in Oxford House College and it was really amazing, i’ve got so much knowledge.</p>