Long-Shot Chances

<p>I know it's going to be very tough, but I'll try.</p>

<p>4.6 - Weighted GPA
3.96 - Unweighted
21/333 - Class Rank</p>

<p>ACT: 28 (29 if superscored) ugh, they are so low and will probably hurt me. </p>

<p>APs Taken:
US History
English Language and Composition
English Literature and Composition
Environmental Science
Calculus AB
Calculus BC</p>

Editor-in-Chief, School Newspaper (3 years)
-Newspaper has been awarded the highest honor 3 years in a row
North Carolina Scholastic Media Association Vice-President of Communications (Elected State Office)
Holly Springs Business Alliance President/Lead Mentor
Class President (Freshman and Sophomore Year)</p>

<p>Academic Awards:
North Carolina Scholastic Media Association Editoral Leadership Award (State Honor)
North Carolina Scholastic Media Association Journalist of the Year Finalist(State-wide, possibility for national)
Ohio High School Athletic Association Student-Athlete of the Year
Archie Griffin Scholar Athlete Award (County Wide)
Richard Huffer Scholar Athlete Award (City Wide)
Regional Debate Champion (Two Years)
Ohio Debate Championships, 5th place</p>

<p>Internships & Work Experience:
National Institute of Health Summer Internship
Interned for a Local Mayoral Campaign (Budgetary Issues)
Part-Time job at Lifetime Fitness</p>

Varsity Football (3 years)
Varsity Baseball (4 years)
-All Conference
-Greater Neuse River Conference Sportsmanship Award
Varsity Track (Freshman and Sophomore Year)
-All Conference
-All Region
-All State
-4th Place, Indoor State Championships
Archie Griffin Scholar Athlete Award (County Wide)
Richard Huffer Scholar Athlete Award (City Wide)
Dale Crow Scholar Athlete Award</p>

<p>Summer Experiences:
Junior Statesmen of America Summer School
National Young Leaders Conference
Global Young Leaders Conference</p>

<p>Are you applying ED or RD?</p>

<p>I really don’t think your chances are that low. You have great chances. Your gpa(s) are great, especially given your course load. Your test scores will hurt you, but you also have great ec’s. You would have probably been in ED for sure but even rd you stand a great chance.</p>

<p>Good Luck!</p>

<p>I am applying RD. I feel decent about my chances, I’m just worried about my test scores. It seems that is my downfall with all the schools I am applying too.</p>