Long way off- but what are my chances in few years

I'm currently a freshman at an extremely competitive Jesuit high school in Cleveland.
Recently, I have found myself pondering the subject of college. I know it's very early, but I just need an idea about whether I'll get into Loyola or not, or any good college. If I could get a response on my chances if I keep these stats going for another 3 and a half years will be greatly appreciated.</p>

White Male
Suburban Cleveland, Ohio
2 Brothers attended Boston College (my dream school)
Mother attended John Carroll
Sister attended John Carroll</p>

<p>Grades before finals (will take them after break):
Algebra 1- B
English- A-
Health- A+
History- A-
Theology- A
Latin- A-
(will hopefully have all A-'s up to A's after finals. My B in Algebra is in result of the poor effort I've shown in the entire semester. hopefully will go up to B+) (Not enrolled in any honors classes but plan to enroll in all sophmore year.)</p>

Freshman Football (won't play next year. too time consuming)
Freshman Basketball-Captain
Help write captions for the yearbook
Wrote articles for Student newspaper
Labre Ministry-go into the streets of Cleveland every Sunday night and feed the homeless
CAT-Christian Action Team-Organize Service Events in the community
Arrupe Homework Club- Help inner city kids in the school's neighborhood with their homework.
Ignatians For Life- Pro-Life Group that meets every week
Student Senate-Freshman Class Representatve-Basicly Student Government</p>

My score on the pre-ACT was absolutely horrific.(Bad day, Have a history of being a bad Standarized test taker, want to get better)</p>

<p>Any opinions on my chances for Loyola if I keep these stats going for a few more years would be greatly appreciated.</p>


<p>If you keep your grades like that…you’re in. Just work on the ACT thing.</p>

<p>your ACT does not need to be stellar, just average. Lucky for you.</p>

<p>i started out in all lower-than-honors level classes and eventually worked my way up to all honors and AP classes by junior year. just increase the intensity of your schedule each year that you can and you’ll be fine.
my ACT sucked too…24…but i still got in!</p>