<p>My friend and I are looking for a pair of guys (juniors, preferably) who'd be willing to share a 2 or 4 bedroom apartment with us. We were thinking of living in Habitat Soozee (see USC_Off-Campus-Student-Housing/Shrine-Luxury-Apartments[/url</a>] or [url=<a href="http://housing.usc.edu/HousingOptions/Buildings.aspx?bID=HAS%5DHousing">http://housing.usc.edu/HousingOptions/Buildings.aspx?bID=HAS]Housing</a> Options - Buildings - Habitat Soozee) or a 4 person house, perhaps one on 28th Street. If you and your roommate are clean and considerate of other people (in terms of being quiet when we need to study but still friendly and talkative), let me know! Thanks :-)</p>