Looking for back up schools with a later deadline

<p>Hi guys. After my first rejection, I'm really worried about getting into college. Are there any good "back-up" schools that have a February deadline? It doesn't matter whether its public or private. I've already looked into in-state schools.</p>

<p>bumping this</p>

<p>I am presuming you live in Mass based on your prior threads. I know you got rejected from BC, but where else have you applied? In addition, what are you intending to major in?</p>

<p>I don’t know your credentials, etc. If you want a small East Coast LAC for students with 3.3 / 1900 SAT’s, I know Goucher’s deadline is Feb 1. It’s just outside Baltimore. </p>

<p>There are schools that still accept applicants in MAY, but you won’t hear a lot about them on CC. Your guidance dept should have a list later this Spring.</p>

<p>Back up schools need to be affordable, otherwise you wouldn’t be able to use them for a back up.</p>

<p>What is your budget?</p>

<p>What are your stats?</p>

<p>What is your major?</p>

<p>What kind of schools do you like?</p>

<p>If you’re looking for schools a little further afield, you might consider DePaul. Their application deadline, for the regular college, is February 2nd.</p>

<p>What is your budget? - We don’t really have a budget. If it’s a back up though something not too crazy. I would probably end up transferring.
What are your stats? - 27 act, good extracurriculars, good recs, good essays, multicultural student, my GPA and my rank will not be a factor in admissions, IB student, taking hardest classes in school.
What is your major? History
What kind of schools do you like? I would like somewhere close to a city but with some feeling of community. </p>

<p>I actually don’t live in Massachusetts haha
I have applied to UNC-Chapel Hill (in-state), Georgetown (reach), BU, Northeastern and some in-state back ups but i’m not really fond of them</p>

<p>I am also planning to apply to law school, if that makes a difference.</p>

<p>The Common App website has a listing of all of the key information for its schools, including application dates. You can look there to get ideas. I tried to find the page to add a link, but with today being the magic 1/1 deadline for a lot of schools, the site wouldn’t load for me.</p>

<p>Holy Cross-very good school has a JANUARY 15TH application due date. HC is also SAT optional, offers good financial aid, and has a great campus. Holy Cross is similar to Georgetown but slightly easier to get into. HC and Georgetown compete against each other in the Patriot Leagus. Holy Cross has one of the best alumni networks.</p>

<p>I’m afraid their deadline is too soon! My school has a strict rule saying that counselors must be notified to send counselor statements 2 weeks before deadline. I only get back to school on the 4th</p>

<p>Accepted to UMASS EA!</p>

<p>I ran a couple searches on here and on college board…and UW-Madison seems to pop up a lot:
-app deadline February 1st
-Rated #10 public school in nation by USNWR
-You are a nice fit in terms of ACT scores, average 26-30
-On downside it is far from your home, but might be a nice backup school which is what you are looking for anyway.</p>

<p>EDIT:Congrats on Amherst</p>

<p>“We don’t really have a budget.”</p>

<p>What on earth does that mean?</p>

<p>Is it “We haven’t talked about this at all so I have no idea what our limit is.” or do you mean something more like “My family is comfortable paying 50k+ each year so the sticker price doesn’t matter.”</p>

<p>When you ask for suggestions here, it is useful for the rest of us to know what price range you are looking at, and what your home state is. Those two items can be determining factors in the number of academically safe institutions that we can suggest.</p>

<p>There’s no need to be rude haha. I have talked to my parents and they have told me that if it is a good school and if I feel like it, they will pay. It honestly depends on the school. Of course, if there is a way my parents wouldn’t have to pay a ridiculous amount of money, I would take that route.
My situation is also different considering I am not a U.S Citizen, only a permanent resident. My home state is NC.</p>

<p>In addition to UW-Madison, you should look into DePaul as suggested earlier…both still have app deadlines you could work with. Since you got accepted into UMASS, you might want to look into UNH as well which is nearby and has a similar ranking. That way if you go up and visit Amherst, you would be able to see UNH as well making it a more productive trip.</p>

<p>“My situation is also different considering I am not a U.S Citizen, only a permanent resident.”</p>

<p>If you are a legal permanent resident (Green Card status), your admissions prospects are the same as for a citizen with the same educational background, and your financial aid prospects are almost exactly the same as for a citizen. You can file the FAFSA and can receive federal need-based aid, and you qualify for in-state tuition and fees in your state of residence under the same regulations as a citizen would. The only scholarships you cannot apply for are those that are specifically defined as being for citizens only.</p>

<p>The thing is I just became a permanent resident (2 weeks ago.) I will be filing for FAFSA but I didn’t put my SSN on my common app cause I finished that 3 months ago. I don’t know if i’ll still get aid directly from schools.</p>

<p>Congratulations on the change of status! This is a wonderful thing! If you haven’t emailed all of your colleges yet, you need to do that so that they know about it. Make sure that they have your SSN, so that they can match your application for admission with your financial aid application if they need to.</p>

<p>Don’t forget to ask if this change of status makes you eligible for any additional scholarships. Sometimes it does.</p>