<p>Does anyone have this book that they are willing to sell</p>
Engineering Ethics (3rd Edition)
by Charles Fleddermann
<p>please pm me or something
<p>Does anyone have this book that they are willing to sell</p>
Engineering Ethics (3rd Edition)
by Charles Fleddermann
<p>please pm me or something
<p>They got an E-book here (of questionable “ethicalness”, ironically): [Engineering</a> Ethics (3rd Edition) | Ebookee Free eBooks Download!](<a href=“http://www.ebookee.com/Engineering-Ethics-3rd-Edition-_195583.html]Engineering”>http://www.ebookee.com/Engineering-Ethics-3rd-Edition-_195583.html)</p>
<p>niice we have class together.</p>
<p>Haha, I saw you in class today. Forgot to say hi.</p>
<p>forgot. pffffft.</p>
<p>pwned. The class is way too early. Did we have to read Orwell by discussion too?</p>
<p>Nope. I think Orwell was supposed to help with the biography.</p>
<p>When’s your discussion?</p>
<p>Thursday @ 2</p>