Looking for college towns with beautiful, contained campuses

Middlebury definitely comes to mind, though the town is small, U Michigan (Ann Arbor is a classic campus town), Carleton or St Olaf in Northfield, MN, of course, any of the Claremont colleges: Pomona, CMC, Pitzer, and Scribbs - not mentioning HMC, since it does not have the majors that the OP’s kid wants.

University of Vermont is worth a look, it’s technically in a city, but the “city” is Burlington, VT, population 44,781.


University of Delaware meets that criteria.

Lehigh’s campus is gorgeous (opinion) but there is no college town within walking distance

The University of Richmond is gorgeous (opinion) and “perfect,” but it is smaller than she would like and there is no college town within walking distance.

Wake Forest is pretty, but there is no town within walking distance.

Cornell is pretty and the town is within walking distance.

What about Skidmore College in Saratoga Springs? I have not seen the school but the town is great and it’s within walking distance. It is smaller than she likes.

Montclair (NJ) has a great town. Not sure what the school looks like.

SUNY Geneseo has a cute little town within walking distance, as does SUNY New Paltz. The campuses might not be as pretty as she likes.

SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry- I believe it is on or shares a campus with Syracuse University, which is very pretty.


Elon maybe. Very nice small campus. Not much of town close by though. Mine is at William and Mary but also loved Wake and Elon. Similar campus feel.

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Montclair is a great town (we’ve lived a few miles away forever and our young adult kids still enjoy spending time there), the campus is nice, but it doesn’t have the most social campus (one of my kids transferred there to commute, and it’s been a very common complaint on the parent page). It might have to do with lack of apartment complexes for students to move off campus but still have an on campus feel. You need a good realtor and you will be living beside local residents. My son was put up in an on campus apartment for free this summer because of work, I think he slept there 3 nights. And it had an outdoor pool.


Checking most of your boxes:
SUNY ESF (on the Syracuse campus)

I think UVM has the edge over the others for a bustling college town w/in walking distance of campus.

CU Boulder would be worth a look if you’re willing to expand your search geographically and go a bit larger in size. Checks all the same boxes & wins the prize for most matching buildings.

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:heart:Terps and McKeldin Mall.

But, UMD is increasingly more urban, with Purple Line light rail construction closing Campus Dr. And ongoing new construction adjacent to campus.


Reynolda Village is within walking distance at Wake and there is a shuttle running frequently from main quad to downtown Winston where Wake has medical/science buildings


Yes we were there but it seemed like a long walk…? Downtown isn’t within walking distance but a shuttle seems like a reasonable option.

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Not the geographic area you have identified, but everything else about it sounds like she would absolutely love Colorado State University. Fort Collins is such an awesome college town and the Warner School of Natural Resources had the best programs by far for wildlife conservation and other natural resources majors. S23 immediately found his “outdoorsy” people in his RLC and has been out “adventuring” every single weekend. He loves his classes in the Honors College and has been really happy with his classes and advising.


Reynolda Village felt like a small, upscale lifestyle center to me. Interesting but not what I would think of when I hear “college town”.

Is that 10-20K undergrads, or with grads? William & Mary, for example, has only like 6800 undergrads, although it gets close to 10K with grads.

If undergrads, then maybe UVA? Or is that too big/sprawling?

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I always define Miami as a big W&M.

A town that matches the campus - hmmmm -

Given the desire academically, you might look at SUNY ESF which is attached at the hip to Syracuse which is gorgeous. Not that the town is special but the area adjacent to campus (Marshall street) is very collegiate. Yea it’s got Greek (at SU). You get the small and big schools at ESF.

W&L is in a cute town and is beautiful. It’s small - but VMI is right there too - down the street.

Everyone loves IU and Bloomington. A bit big but maybe fits the bill.

Ps since a few mentioned schools outside the zone - a different type (urban) but embedded in the surrounds would be college of Charleston.

Good luck.


Have to disagree about the college town at Lehigh. My son is a Lehigh alum and now a grad student there. He’s an athlete so I’ve spent quite a bit of time there supporting him and his team. The town of Bethlehem is right there. The campus sits at the edge of town. Students frequently walk to restaurants, bars and shops in Bethlehem. This is just one of the aspects of Lehigh that my son has truly enjoyed during his time there.


Thank you for correcting me. I did not see it or hear about it when we visited, but that does not mean it doesn’t exist.

Lehigh has one of the most beautiful campuses I have ever seen!

It certainly is beautiful!

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Sorry, as MD resident I disagree on UMD. I find nothing architecturally attractive. It is suburban in the city and not really contained in my opinion. I lot of students live of campus. Plus it is a huge monster.

When I hear matching buildings, I automatically think of Alabama. I is a little scary how much the campus matches. They even explain the history of the one not matching building on the tour.


There are many schools that match. Some like Bama with new, cleanbrick. Some are stucco. I think Claremont schools. Some are gothic stone - Rhodes, Duke, Sewanee come to mind.

Alas they’re not close to the chosen geography. Or necessarily surrounded with college town.

Honestly, I love Miami and W&M but college town galore I would not perceive them as. More like small and limited in the adjacent areas to campus. W&M nicer as it has the little tourist zone.

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Pretty sure you just described UCONN and UMAINE! My daughter doesn’t want to go to UConn cause it’s missing BIG greek life and football on campus. Umaine is great with anything environmental. Umaine will give a ton of $$$. Both have beautiful campuses, esp in the fall. All contained. UConn has small town across street with stuff ! Umaine has a downtown walking distance and very cute !!!


We are from New England and My daughter is looking for the very rural, and low crime colleges. She has landed on OLE Miss as she wants huge SEC football and Greek life. Wanted between 12-25k Students.

BC was too busy for my daughter, even though in residential area —-still felt small city like with trains nearby to get to Boston. My daughter wanted a very rural area!!!

Also u Del felt very busy and separated with dorms far from middle of campus. Football field down the road right off 95.

Unh is pretty but has a busy road running down middle of campus which my daughter didn’t like. Cute college town though and rural.

URI contained but a bit small for my daughter but very rural and safe. College town not walkable really.

UVM is beautiful and great college town and contained.

We are from Ct-def check UCONN. Also I went to UMaine and loved my time there !!!


I am cracking up with my coffee here, amazed at how knowledgeable you all are! Very succinct, detailed lists - love it